华为技术有限公司内部技术规范 Technical Specification of Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd
Specification of Explanation for Huawei Drawings
2014年06月30日发布 2014年07月05日实施 Released on Jun. 30, 2014 Implemented on Jul. 05, 2014
华为技术有限公司 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
版权所有 侵权必究 All rights reserved
修订声明 Revision declaration
本规范拟制与解释部门:华为技术有限公司整机工程部 本规范的相关系列规范或文件:无 相关国际规范或文件一致性:无 替代或作废的其它规范或文件: 相关规范或文件的相互关系:无 规范号 主要起草主要评审部门专家
基础平台结构基础平台部: 部:郭天次肖春秀53994/潘建军00140571 00118387/黄涛
采购认证管理部: 张卫国00174583
基础平台结构基础平台部: 部:郭天次胡邦红00216370 00140571 肖春秀53994
潘建军00118387 黄涛00121968 郑玲00119690 詹傲芳62070 朱光胜67118 郑光明00115376 邓顺庆61647 采购认证管理部: 孟庆伟00145066
基础平台结构基础平台部: 部:汪磊胡邦红00216370 00205757 肖春秀53994
潘建军00118387 郑玲00119690 采购认证管理部: 孟庆伟00145066
5、所有“无色化学转化”改为“化学转化” 6、X127和X202前处理由“锌钝化”改为“预处理”
7、增加压铸件中1级面的标注说明 8、3.1、4.3、5.1小节增加标题。
10、热浸涂的生产质量要求由:改为 11、删除
12、去掉中外金属材料对照表 13、增加Ins,绝缘材料类别 • 明确关键尺寸定义。 • 增加参考尺寸说明。
• 增加表面处理代码L027、L028、X010。 • 优化部分表面处理代码工艺描述。 • 恢复“新旧表面处理代码对应说明”。
基础平台结构基础平台部: 部:汪磊胡邦红00216370 00205757 肖春秀53994 潘建军00118387 郑玲00119690 采购认证管理部: 孟庆伟00145066 供应链管理部物料品质部: 蒙光忠38711 基础平台结构基础平台部: 部:汪磊胡邦红00216370 00205757 肖春秀53994 潘建军00118387 郑玲00119690 采购认证管理部: 孟庆伟00145066 供应链管理部物料品质部: 蒙光忠38711 • • 增加表面处理代码F227、F228、F229、F230、F231、G034、G227、G228、L029、L030、L031、L032、L033、L034、L162、L163、L227、L228、T034、X227、X228。 删除表面处理代码G155、G156。 • 增加表面处理代码F007、L158、X158、G201、G202。 目录
范 围: ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1. 2. 3.
标准应用原则 图框结构说明 图纸标注说明
5 5 7
3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 4.
图面说明 7 压铆件标注 7 焊接符号标注 8
材料栏内容说明 8
4.1. 标准材料标注格式 8 4.2. 非标准材料标注格式 10 4.3. 特殊标注 11
5.1. 表面处理代码编码规则 11 5.2. 表面处理代码表示的内容 11
6.1. 常用材料新旧表示对照表 17 6.2. 作废代码列表 18
Specification of Explanation for Huawei Drawings
范 围:
本规范适用于华为技术有限公司结构产品的生产和质量检验。 简 介:
本规范对结构件设计图纸标注进行了说明。主要介绍了图框各部分所表达的含义,以及结构材料代号和表面处理代号的含义。 关键词:
材料,结构,图框,标注,表面处理,代号 引用文件:
下列文件中的条款通过本规范的引用而成为本规范的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本规范,然而,鼓励根据本规范达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本规范。 序号 文件编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 GB/T706 缩略语:
缩略语 术语和定义:
术语 面膜 1级平面 文件名称 标准样板的规定及清单 非金属材料质量要求 金属材料质量要求 焊接质量要求 华为无源滤波器镀银工艺质量要求 华为滤波器产品涂层工艺质量要求 钣金件质量要求 有机/无机涂层工艺质量要求 金属镀层工艺质量要求 金属表面转化膜工艺质量要求 金属基板镀层工艺质量要求 压铆紧固件质量要求 热轧型钢 等效标准 英文全名 中文解释 定义 指以PC 薄膜塑料制作的、带有不干胶背胶的自粘贴型塑料薄膜类产品。印刷是在面材的背面进行。 重要外观表面,体现产品外观形象,具有装饰性,产品正常使用时,可以直接正视到的主要外观表面 • 标准应用原则
• 图框结构说明
标题栏 变更说明栏 图纸状态栏
• 零件图框
变更说明栏 图纸状态栏 标题栏
• 装配图框
标题栏 图纸状态栏
• •
零件清单图框 图框内容说明
区域 标题栏 代号 中文解释 视图投影符号 名称 备注 华为图纸一般采用第一视角 TITLE DWG NO. PART NO. UNIT'S FINISH MSSS(Kg) SCALE PRODUCT SHEET REV MAT'L DRAW CHKD STAD APPD 图纸状态栏 RELEASE LEVEL FILE NAME REV 变更说明栏 ECA NO. DESCRIPTION 图号 物料编码 尺寸单位 表面处理方式 零部件质(重)量 图纸比例 产品名称 图纸页码 零件版本 零件的材料 设计者 审核者 标准化审核者 批准者 图纸状态 文档名称 设计变更图纸的版本 设计变更单号 变更描述 为装配图 为部件图 为零件图 零件清单 参考本规范第5节 指零件首次应用该零件的产品 OF前的数表示第几页,OF后的数表示共几页 参照本规范第4节 Release:正式归档图纸 Prototype:临时归档图纸 指用于零件存档的名称 最高版本应与零件图版本一致,首次归档此处没有填写 一般填“REPLACE”,变更内容参考变更说明书(压缩附件) • 图纸标注说明
无特殊说明,图纸中所标注的尺寸和公差,应该为零件或装配最终状态的尺寸和公差; 带
果没有标注公差,其公差钣金件参照《钣金冲压件质量要求》、压铸机加件参照《DKBA04000178 压铸机加结构件公差技术要求》、非金属件参照《DKBA04000193 塑料件、橡胶件通用质量要求》中的未注公差。
图纸中标有1级平面(Level 1 surface如图5)的为1级外观表面,表示对表面外观质量有较高要求,这些部位的表面外观质量必须要满足相应的标准(具体要求在产品质量标准或图纸或工艺质量规范中有详细说明) Level 1 sueface
• 压铆件标注
压铆紧固件的底孔尺寸不标注,加工商依据设计规格选用紧固件,其底孔的开孔尺寸可以根据工艺的需要进行实配,但压铆之后的质量必须满足《压铆紧固件技术要求》中相对应的参数。压铆紧固件型号后面加“(on back)”的,表示压铆件凸出较多的部分在视图的反面。如图6:
• 焊接符号标注
• 紧固件材质和表面处理标注
_S:不锈钢 _CU:铜 _AL:铝
_ZC:镀彩锌 _H:镀黑锌 _N:镀镍
_ZnNi:镀锌镍合金 _ZnAl:无铬锌铝涂层
例如:GB5783-2000_M10x135_S 表示不锈钢六角螺栓
GB5783-2000_M10x135_S_ZnAl 表示不锈钢锌铝涂层六角螺栓
• 材料栏内容说明
各种材料所用的表达式均以英文字母、阿拉伯数字、以及部分半角标点符号组合而成。每一表达式的字符数一般不超过 25 位。
• 标准材料标注格式
图纸中出现以下格式的材料标注方法时,表示所选用的材料为标准材料,这部分材料包含金属材料和非金属材料(塑料、橡胶、复合材料、标签、面膜)。 其中:* 表示填写的内容;式中的标点符号已固定,一般不改变;表达式中不包括空格。
字段 填写要求 常见内容【注1】 含义 基材符号 必填 Fe Al Zn Cu Pla Com Rub Glass Film Label Ins 金属材料牌号 或 代号 牌号 或 代号 必填 非金属材料代号 金属加工状态(热处理状态) 可填 状态 非金属: 颜色或阻燃或其它 可无 (空白) T1.0 D5.0 D15x3.0 D-1/15x3.0 6S5.0 8S5.0 12x12 12x5 [10 L63x6x7 规格符号(红可填 色) 及 尺寸 【注2】 可无 特殊说明 可填 可无 (空白) back adhesive (空白) 钢材 铝材 锌基合金材料 铜材 塑料材料 复合材料 橡胶材料 玻璃材料 面膜 标签材料 绝缘材料 一般是符合中国国家标准的材料牌号; 或者华为自编的代号。 这些牌号或代号所代表的具体材料要求详见规范《金属材料质量要求》 1)材料名称的缩写、或英文名、或通用代号; 2)当一种材料由多种材料成份组成时,应在较少成份的代号后面用括号将其成份比例表示出来,成份比例大者位于前面。例如:Com,PA66+GF(25%) 3)对于北美市场专用的那些有特殊要求的材料,在代号后加有“/NEBS”标志 4)这些代号所代表的具体材料要求详见规范《非金属材料质量要求》 符合中国国家标准的金属材料的加工状态或热处理状态 1)表示非金属材料本身的颜色、阻燃等级等状态,用以区别不同的材质; 2)当同时有多个状态时,各状态之间用半角符号“-”隔开,一般颜色在前(状态1)、阻燃等级在后(状态2); 3)颜色以华为的塑料颜色样板代号(参见)表示;“clear”表示“无色透明”,“nature”表示为原料自然状态的色泽(即不加色母); 4)阻燃等级的符号含义参见规范。 不指定状态即对各种状态没有要求、或没有状态区别,包括表达式中其前面的符号“-”也一起省略。 板材,厚度1.0mm 圆棒,直径5.0mm 圆管,外径15mm、壁厚3.0mm 方管,边长15mm、壁厚3.0mm 六角棒,对边距离5.0mm 八角棒,对边距离5.0mm 方型材,边长12mm 扁型材,边长12×5 (mm) 槽钢,符合 GB/T 706中的型号10 等边角钢,符合GB/T 706中的型号6.3(截面尺寸为b=63、d=6、r=7) 表示为压铸件或挤压型材或注塑件,尺寸在图样上 表示面膜材料背面背胶.例如:Film,PC,T0.25/back adhesive 没有特殊要求的材料不用标注,连”/”一起省略 【注1】:该栏中的汉字和括号均属于说明内容; 【注2】:尺寸中夹带的符号“x”代表数学中的乘号。
例如:1) 冷轧板,材质符合我国的优质碳素冷轧钢 08 材料,板材厚度为 2.0 mm 。 表示为:Fe,08,T2.0
2) 满足北美版产品质量要求的塑料注塑件,材料为PC,颜色符合YB206“RAL7035”,阻燃等级为5VA。
• 非标准材料标注格式
因部分非金属材料没有国家指定的统一牌号或国际通用的代号,不合适采用4.1 节的方法标注,在材料栏中只注明材料名称和规格特征(规格尺寸的表示与 4.1节相同)。例如包装材料、玻璃材料等。这类材料如果表达内容超过 25 个字符,则在设计图中的“NOTES”中进行说明,同时材料栏中表示为“SEE NOTE ....”。
钢化玻璃板,褐色,厚度 5mm。表示为:SEE NOTE 1 另在NOTES中: NOTES:
• 特殊标注
有一些图纸是在半成品毛坯零件上进行再加工,这时候的图纸材料栏中需要标注这些毛坯零件的图号,即 DKBA.......。这类零件包括压铸件、型材零件、以及其它类似毛坯零件。 例如:由压铸(或型材)毛坯加工而成的零件,其材料栏表示为:;
• 表面处理栏说明
• 表面处理方式以表面处理代码表示,每个代码代表了所要求的表面处理工艺方法及质量要求
• 表面处理代码编码规则
当图纸上出现的代码在后面加有后缀“_1”、 “_3”时,仅表示其表面处理质量要求与没有后缀的代码有所不同、而工艺方法一样,详细要求应参见相应工艺质量规范
• 表面处理代码表示的内容
表3 分类列出了每一代码所代表的详细工艺名称、工艺内容及加工所必须遵守的质量标准文件编号以及外观标准样板号。
3)热浸镀锌后喷涂室外粉末:组合方式为“热浸镀锌代码+钢基材喷室外粉末的代码”(例如:G012+G 153),表示热浸镀锌处理后再喷粉。
基体材料 所有 代码 A000 F004 F006 F007 F226 F227 F228 F229 F230 F231 G001 G002 G003 G004 G005 G006 G007 G008 G009 G011 G012 G014 G015 钢 G016 G017 G018 G034 G101 G102 G103 G104 G105 G106 G107 G108 G109 工艺名称 不处理 电镀铬(光亮外观) 面漆(NS浅银灰) 面漆(IT黑) 面漆(EN银) 面漆(黑色砂纹) 面漆(白色平光) 面漆(黑色平光) 喷漆(黑色高光UV) 喷漆(黑色哑光UV) 磷化+涂黑色油漆 电镀锌彩色钝化 (与G002相同) 电镀锌黑色钝化 (与G006相同) 电镀镍(光亮外观) 电镀锡(纯锡) 电镀铬(光亮外观) 喷砂+电镀铬(哑光外观) 不锈钢钝化 热浸镀锌 电镀锡(高温锡) 锌铝涂层处理 电镀锌蓝白色钝化 电镀硬铬 电镀锌镍合金 (滤波器用)电镀银 (与G107相同) 磷化+粉末涂层(华为白砂纹) (与G108相同) 磷化+粉末涂层(华为黑砂纹) 磷化+粉末涂层(华为蓝砂纹) (与G107相同) 磷化+粉末涂层(华为灰砂纹) 磷化(注:不锈钢基材时为“不锈钢钝化”)+粉末涂层(RAL7035桔纹-室外型) 磷化(注:不锈钢基材时为“不锈钢钝无 表面处理代码及其工艺质量说明
生产质量要求 及 YB046 及 YB085 及 YB078 及 YB901 及 YB902 及 YB905 及 YB903 及 YB904 + 非金属 见G002 见G006 及YB025 见G107 及 YB005 见G108 +及 YB007 +及 YB008 见G107 +及 YB006 +及 YB026 +及 YB056 G121 G122 G123 G124 G125 G127 G128 G129 G130 G132 G133 G134 G135 G136 G137 G138 G139 G140 G141 G142 G143 G144 G145 G146 G147 G148 G149 G150 G151 G152 G153 G154 G157 G160 G161 G201 G202 G203 G204 G205 化”)+粉末涂层(华为3010浅灰桔纹-室外型) (与G125相同) 磷化+粉末涂层(华为3010浅灰砂纹) 磷化+粉末涂层(M6010深灰-室外型) 磷化+粉末涂层(M4010浅灰-室外型) 磷化+粉末涂层(NB7547) 磷化+粉末涂层(NB白) 热浸镀锌+粉末涂层(华为3010浅灰桔纹-室外型) 磷化(注:对不锈钢基材为“不锈钢钝化”)+粉末涂层(NC紫灰) 磷化+底漆+面漆(NC银灰) (与G133相同) 热浸镀锌+粉末涂层(RAL7035桔纹-室外型) (与G136相同) (与G107相同) 等效于 G002+G108 磷化+粉末涂层(PANTONE 413C) 磷化+粉末涂层(PANTONE CoolGray 8C) 磷化+PZ底粉 +粉末涂层(RAL7035桔纹-室外型) 涂“冷镀锌” 磷化+粉末涂层(RAL7035砂纹) 磷化+粉末涂层(RAL7037砂纹) 磷化+粉末涂层(NCS2010-室外型) 磷化+粉末涂层(BD-30488) 磷化(注:对不锈钢基材为“不锈钢钝化”)+粉末涂层(BT-223-室外型) 磷化+粉末涂层(原黑砂纹) 磷化(注:对不锈钢基材为“不锈钢钝化”)+粉末涂层(RAL7035高光 -室外型) 磷化+PZ底粉+粉末涂层(RAL7035高光 -室外型) 热浸镀锌+粉末涂层(RAL7035高光 -室外型) 磷化+粉末涂层(EN黑砂纹) 磷化+粉末涂层(平光紫灰) 磷化+粉末涂层(原黑平光) 磷化+PZ底粉+粉末涂层(RAL6009绿桔纹-室外型) 磷化(注:对不锈钢基材为“不锈钢钝化”)+粉末涂层(VDF白砂纹) 磷化+粉末涂层(EN绿砂纹) 磷化(注:对不锈钢基材为“不锈钢钝化”)+粉末涂层(UC黑砂纹-室外型) 不锈钢拉丝+耐指纹涂层 (与G102相同) (与G107相同) (与G104相同) 磷化+底漆+面漆(华为蓝洒点) 磷化+底漆+面漆(PDSN 黑洒点) 见G125 +及 YB030 +及 YB032 +及 YB033 +及 YB034 +及 YB036 +及 YB056 +及 YB038 +及 YB039 见G133 +及 YB026 见 G136 见 G107 及 YB026 +及 YB052 +及 YB053 + 及 YB026 +及 YB054 +及 YB055 +及 YB057 +及 YB058 +及 YB059 +及 YB061 +及 YB063 + 及 YB063 +及 YB063 +及 YB066 +及 YB065 +及 YB062 +及 YB067 +及 YB068 +及YB070 +及YB075 DKBA04500065 及YB064 见G102 见G107 见G104 +及 YB004 +及 YB027 G211 G212 G213 G214 G215 G218 G219 G220 G221 G222 G223 G224 G226 G227 G228 L001 L002 L003 L004 L005 L006 L007 L008 L009 L011 L012 L013 L014 L015 L016 L017 L021 铝 L022 L023 L024 L025 L026 L027 L029 L030 L031 L032 L033 L034 L101 L102 L103 L104 L105 L107 L108 (与G102相同) (与G107相同) (与G104相同) 磷化+底漆+面漆(平光华为蓝) (与G130相同) 磷化+粉末涂层(深蓝色) (与G130相同) 磷化+粉末涂层(华为灰银色) 等效于G002+G102 等效于G002+G107 等效于G002+G104 电镀锌彩色钝化+底漆+面漆(华为蓝洒点) 磷化+底漆+面漆(EN银) 磷化+底漆+面漆(黑色,砂纹) 磷化+底漆+面漆(白色,平光) 喷砂光亮阳极氧化 (与L001相同) 着色阳极氧化(黑色) (与L003相同) (与L006相同) 化学转化 喷砂+光亮无色化学转化 拉丝+光亮无色化学转化 (与L001相同) 光亮无色化学转化 拉丝+无色化学转化 拉丝+着色阳极氧化(枪灰色) 喷砂+着色阳极氧化(枪灰色) 无色阳极氧化 拉丝+无色阳极氧化 拉丝+着色阳极氧化(黑色) 电镀金 电镀银 化学镀镍 电镀锡(纯锡) 见G102 见G107 见G104 +及 YB014 见G130 及 YB023 见G130 及 YB024 及 YB005 及 YB006 及 YB007 +及 YB004 +及 YB078 +及 YB901 +及 YB902 及 YB010 见L001 见L003 见L006 及 YB010 及 YB019 见L001 及 YB015 及 YB019 及YB071 及YB071 及YB080 及YB081 电镀锡(高温锡) 喷砂+电镀铬(哑光外观) 及YB025 (铝嵌铜基材)电镀锡(高温锡) (压铸铝)喷砂(30#)+装饰性化学转化 及 YB084 喷砂+着色阳极氧化(黑色) 及 YB906 喷砂(150#)+无色阳极氧化 及 YB907 拉丝(100#)+无色阳极氧化 及 YB908 拉丝(180#)+无色阳极氧化 及 YB909 (滤波器用)电镀银 (与L107相同) 见L107 (与L112相同) 见L112 (与L108相同) 见L108 化学转化+粉末涂层(华为黑砂纹) +及 YB007 化学转化+粉末涂层(华为蓝砂纹) +及 YB008 化学转化+华为灰砂纹 及 YB006 化学转化+粉末涂层(RAL7035桔纹-室+及 YB026 外型) L111 L112 L117 L121 L122 L123 L124 L125 L127 L128 L129 L130 L142 L143 L145 L147 L148 L150 L154 L157 L158 L160 L162 L163 L201 L202 L203 L204 L206 L211 L219 L220 L226 L227 L228 L300 T001 T002 T003 T004 T005 T006 (与L107相同) 化学转化+粉末涂层(华为白砂纹) 化学转化+粉末涂层(华为灰砂纹) (与L125相同) 化学转化+粉末涂层(华为3010浅灰砂纹) 化学转化+粉末涂层(M6010深灰-室外型) 化学转化+粉末涂层( M4010浅灰-室外型) 化学转化+粉末涂层(NB7547) 化学转化+粉末涂层(NB白) 化学转化+粉末涂层(华为3010浅灰桔纹-室外型) 化学转化+粉末涂层(NC紫灰) 化学转化+底漆+面漆(NC银灰 ) 化学转化+粉末涂层(RAL7037砂纹) 化学转化+粉末涂层(NCS2010-室外型) 化学转化+粉末涂层(BT-223-室外型) 化学转化+粉末涂层(RAL7035高光-室外型) 化学转化+粉末涂层(RAL6009绿桔纹-室外型) 化学转化+粉末涂层(EN黑砂纹) 化学转化+粉末涂层(VDF白砂纹) 化学转化+粉末涂层(EN绿砂纹) 化学转化+粉末涂层(IT蓝砂纹 ) 化学转化+粉末涂层(UC黑砂纹-室外型) 喷涂耐酸碱粉(RAL7035桔纹) 见L107 及 YB005 及 YB006 见L125 +及 YB030 +及 YB032 +及 YB033 +及 YB034 +及 YB036 +及 YB056 +及 YB038 +及 YB039 +及 YB055 +及 YB057 +及 YB059 +及 YB063 +及 YB067 +及 YB066 +及 YB068 +及YB070 +及 YB087 +及YB075 化学转化+面漆(RAL7035平光-室外型) +及 YB072 化学转化+底漆+面漆(华为白洒点) 化学转化+底漆+面漆(华为灰洒点) 化学转化+底漆+面漆(华为黑洒点) 化学转化+底漆+面漆(华为蓝洒点) 化学转化+底漆+面漆(NS浅银灰) (与L112相同) 化学转化+底漆+浅金银面漆 化学转化+底漆+面漆(原黑平光) 化学转化+底漆+面漆(EN银) 化学转化+底漆+面漆(黑色,砂纹) 化学转化+底漆+面漆(白色,平光) 化学转化+底漆+银灰色面漆+粉末涂层(华为3010浅灰桔纹-室外型) 铜合金钝化 电镀锡(纯锡) 电镀镍(光亮外观) 电镀银 电镀金 (与T001相同) +及 YB001 +及 YB002 +及 YB003 +及 YB004 +及 YB046 见L112 及 YB022 及 YB062 及YB078 +及 YB901 +及 YB902 及 YB056 铜及铜合金 见T001 T007 T034 T100 T101 X002 X003 X004 X005 X006 X007 X009 X010 X127 X129 X150 X157 X158 X202 X203 X220 X226 X227 X228 (与T003相同) (滤波器用)电镀银 热浸涂(涂绝缘粉,原黑) 热浸涂(涂绝缘粉,NE红) 电镀镍(光亮外观) 喷砂+电镀铬(哑光外观) 电镀铬(光亮外观) 喷砂+电镀镍(哑光外观) 喷砂+底漆+NS浅银灰 电镀黑镍(光亮外观) 锌合金钝化 喷砂+锌合金钝化 预处理+粉末涂层(NB白) 预处理+粉末涂层(NC紫灰) 预处理+粉末涂层(EN黑砂纹) 预处理+粉末涂层(EN绿砂纹) 预处理+粉末涂层(IT蓝砂纹 ) 预处理+面漆(华为灰洒点) 预处理+底漆+面漆(NE红) 预处理+粉末涂层(原黑平光) 预处理+底漆+面漆(EN银) 预处理+底漆+面漆(黑色砂纹) 预处理+底漆+面漆(白色平光) 见T003 及 YB062 及 YB060 及 YB025 及 YB048 及 YB046 及 YB047 及 YB083 及 YB036 及 YB038 及 YB066 及 YB070 及 YB087 及 YB002 及 YB060 及 YB062 及 YB078 及 YB901 及 YB902 锌基合金 • 附录
表6 列出了本规范表达式与被代替的原表达式之间的对照关系
旧标注 优质冷板20#1.0 优质热板20#1.0 冷板Q235-A#1.0 电解板DX2#1.5 日本一级电解板# t 冷拉圆钢20#6 冷六角钢20#6 热无缝管20#32X3 角钢Q235#25X16X4 不锈冷板2Cr13#1.2 不锈热圆棒2Cr13#6 不锈六角棒2Cr13#6 不锈冷板1Cr#1.5 弹簧不锈钢带#0.15 Fe,08,T1.0 Fe,DX2,T1.5 Fe,20,D6.0 Fe,20,6S6.0 Fe,20,D32x3.0 新标注 说明 厚度为1.0mm的08F号 优质碳素冷轧钢板 厚度为1.5mm 的DX2镀锌钢板 直径为6.0mm的20钢圆棒 对边距离为6.0mm的20六角钢 外径32mm、壁厚3.0mm的20钢管 边长为25和16mm、边厚4mm的Q235角钢 厚度为1.2mm的1Cr18Ni9不锈钢板 直径为6.0mm的1Cr18Ni9不锈钢圆棒 对边距离为6.0mm的1Cr18Ni9不锈钢六角棒 厚度为1.5mm的1Cr18Ni9不锈钢板 厚度为0.15mm的BY状态1Cr17Ni7弹簧不锈钢带 Fe,Q235C,25x16x4 Fe, 06Cr19Ni10,T1.2 Fe, 06Cr19Ni10,D6.0 Fe, 06Cr19Ni10,6S6.0 Fe, 06Cr19Ni10,T1.5 Fe, 12Cr17Ni7-BY,T0.15 弹簧热板60SI#1.5 Fe,65Mn,T1.5 碳素弹簧丝 65Mn#2.0 Fe,65Mn,D2.0 铝合金板1035#1.5 铝合金板5A02#2.5 铝合金板2A11#3.0 铝圆棒2A11B#12 铝六角棒2A11 A级 铝型材6063 铝型材5A02 毛坯DKBA....... 压铸铝合金YL112 铸铝合金ZL102 铸锌合金ZZnAl4 纯铜板 T2 M 5 无氧铜板TU1 Y 2.0 黄铜带H62Y2#0.25 黄铜棒H62R#1.0 黄铜六角棒H62RS10 铜母线TMY 10x100 有机玻璃板#5.0 15 聚酰胺棒 3240玻璃板#5.0 3841玻璃棒#5.0 Al,6063-T5 DKBA....... Al,YL102 Zn,YX040 Cu,T2-M,T5.0 Cu,TU1-Y,T2.0 Cu,H62-Y2,T0.25 Cu,H62-R,D1.0 Cu,H62-R,6S10 Cu,TMY,10x100 Pla,PMMA-clear ,T5.0 Pla,PA66,D15 Com,EPGC202,T5.0 Com,EPGC202,D5.0 Al,1100-H24,T1.5 Al,5052-H32,T2.5 Al,5052-H32,T3.0 Al,2A11-T4,D12 Al,2A11-T4,6S... 厚度为 1.5mm 的65Mn 弹簧钢板 直径为 2.0mm 的65Mn 弹簧丝 厚度为1.5mm的1100纯铝板,H24状态 厚度为2.5mm的5052铝合金板,H32状态 厚度为3.0mm的5052-H32铝合金板,H32状态 直径为12mm的2A11铝合金圆棒,T4状态 2A11铝合金型材,T4状态,对边距离.... 6063铝型材,T5状态,形状尺寸见图纸 (一般用于自开模的型材毛坯标注) 材料见图纸DKBA....... 压铸铝合金YL102 压铸锌合金YX040 厚度为5.0mm的退火状态T2 纯铜板 厚度为2.0mm的硬状态TU1无氧铜板 厚度为0.25mm的半硬状态H62黄铜带 直径为1.0mm的时效状态H62黄铜棒 对边距离为10mm的时效状态H62黄铜六角棒 边长分别为10和100mm的扁铜母线TMY 厚度为5.0mm 的透明有机玻璃板 直径为15mm 的聚酰胺(尼龙)棒 厚度为5.0mm的3240 环氧酚醛玻璃布板 直径为5.0mm的3240 环氧酚醛玻璃布棒 1.5 工业橡胶板 根据用途选择详细材料,例如: 密封、绝缘用三元乙丙橡胶,厚度1.5mm Rub,EPDM,T1.5 密封、减震、绝缘、隔热、耐寒用硅橡胶,厚度Rub,SI,T1.5 1.5mm • 作废表面处理代码列表
表5 列举了历史上使用过的、现在已经作废的代码。如果在生产图纸中还出现有这些代码,则应该要求设计者对表面处理方式进行修改
废止的代码 A001 原工艺名称 喷砂(丸) A002 A101 A102 A103 A104 A105 A106 F001 F002 F121 F206 F207 F208 F209 F212 F215 F219 F220 G010 G013 G155 G156 G206 G216 G217 G225 G231 L010 L106 L126 L131 L132 L133 L212 L213 L214 L215 L217 L218 X001 X008 拉丝 粉末涂层(华为灰桔纹) 粉末涂层(华为白砂纹) 粉末涂层(华为灰砂纹-室外型) 粉末涂层(华为黑砂纹) 粉末涂层(华为蓝砂纹) 粉末涂层(无光华为灰) 浸涂绝缘漆 银黑色面漆 喷华为3010冷灰面漆 橡胶灰(底漆+面漆) 喷哑银灰面漆 喷NC紫灰面漆 喷NC银灰面漆 喷华为灰面漆 喷闪银色面漆 喷浅金银面漆 喷华为灰银色面漆 磷化 达克罗 热浸涂(浸塑,NE红) 热浸涂(浸塑,原黑平光) 喷漆“8030黑” 磷化+底漆+珍珠灰色面漆 磷化+底漆+墨绿色面漆 电镀锌彩色钝化+防锈漆 电镀锌彩色钝化+底漆+面漆(平光华为白) 金黄色阳极氧化 化学转化+粉末涂层(无光华为灰) NB银粉末涂层 化学转化+粉末涂层(WAE纯黑) 化学转化+粉末涂层(WAE纯白) 化学转化+粉末涂层(WAE冷灰) 化学转化+底漆+面漆(平光华为灰) 化学转化+底漆+面漆(平光华为黑) 化学转化+底漆+面漆(平光华为蓝) 化学转化+底漆+闪银色面漆 化学转化+底漆+墨绿色面漆 化学转化+粉末涂层(深蓝色) 镀锡 喷砂+镀锌蓝白钝化 • 新旧表面处理标注的对应说明
旧标注 新旧表面处理标注的对应关系
对应的新标注 发蓝Fe/Ct.O 镀镍Fe/Ep.Ni10b 或 镀镍Fe/Ep.Cu15Ni10b 镀镍Cu/Ep.Ni10b 镀锡Cu/Ep.Sn15 钝化Cu/Ct.P 喷粉华为灰EX209867-II-Y,桔纹 喷粉华为白EX211090-II-Y,砂纹 喷漆华为黑EX214431-II-Y 喷漆华为蓝EX209865-II-Y 喷漆华为白EX211090-II-Y,不洒点 喷漆华为灰EX209867-II-Y,不洒点 喷漆华为黑EX214431-II-Y,不洒点 喷漆华为蓝EX209865-II-Y,不洒点 喷砂光亮黑色阳极化 氧化发黑 表面处理代码 G001 G006 T003 T002 T001 G107或L107 G102 或L102 G104 G204 G102 G107 G104 G214 L004 L003 工艺名称 磷化+涂黑色油漆 电镀镍(光亮外观) 电镀镍(光亮外观) 电镀锡(纯锡) 铜合金钝化 粉末涂层(华为灰砂纹) 粉末涂层(华为白砂纹) 粉末涂层(华为黑砂纹) 磷化+底漆+面漆(华为蓝洒点) 磷化+粉末涂层(华为白砂纹) 磷化+粉末涂层(华为灰砂纹) 磷化+粉末涂层(华为黑砂纹) 磷化+底漆+面漆(平光华为蓝) 着色阳极氧化(黑色) 着色阳极氧化(黑色) Contents
SPECIFICATION OF HUAWEI DRAWINGS ........................................................................ 22 1 SPECIFICATION APPLICATION PRINCIPLES .............................................................. 24 2 DRAWING FRAME DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... 24 3 MARKED DESCRIPTION OF DIMENSIONS ................................................................... 26 4 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL BAR ................................................................................. 28
4.1Marked Form of Standard Material ................................................................................. 28 4.2Marked Format of Non-standard Materials ..................................................................... 30
5 DESCRIPTION OF SURFACE TREATMENT CODES ................................................................................................................................................ 31
5.1Meanings Indicated by Surface Treatment Codes ........................................................... 31 6 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................. 38
6.1Old and New Notations of Commonly Use Materials ...................................................... 38 6.2Chinese and Foreign Marks of Commonly Used Materials .............................................. 40 6.3About Obsolete Codes ..................................................................................................... 41 Specification of Huawei Drawings
Application Scope
This document defines the rules of the design drawings for Huawei 2D drawings marked , and the meaning of every parts in the title bar.
The document is applicable to the production and quality inspection of Huawei mechanical parts.
This document describes the structural design drawings marked. Mainly introduces the meaning of material code and t treatment code.
Material, structure, drawings frame, marked, treatment, code
Documents for Reference
This document cites the terms of the following specifications. All subsequent
changes (excluding the contents of errata) or a revised edition of any dated reference
document marked are not applicable to this document. For undated documents, only their latest versions are applicable to this document. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 GB/T706 Document Code Document Name Standard Sample Lists and Requirements Requirements for Non-Metal Materials Requirements for Metal Materials Quality Requirements for Welding Requirements for Metal Materials Requirements for Organic and inorganic coating Requirements for metal coating Requirements for conversion coating of metal Requirements for cating of metal substrate Technical Requirement of Riveting Fasteners Hot rolled section steel Equivalent Standard Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym or Abbreviation Full Name Terms and Definitions
Term Film Grade 1 surface Refer to the external surfaces easily exposed before users' eyes. They are decorative and affect users' impressions on product appearance. Definition • Specification Application Principles
Huawei products are manufactured based on the following standards and
documents, which are sorted by priority: Huawei drawings, Huawei enterprise standards, generic telecommunication equipment standards, and national standards of China. If there is any discrepancy between this document and Huawei drawings, the drawing shall prevail. Among Huawei enterprise technical standards, dedicated standards take precedence over generic standards.
• Drawing Frame Description
Change description bar Drawing status bar Title bar
• Part Drawings Frame Details bar
Drawing status bar Title bar
Change description bar • Assemble Drawing Frame Drawing status bar Title bar
• BOM Bill Frame
Describes in a drawing box.
Area Code Description View projection Remarks First-angle projection is used in Huawei drawings. N/A N/A N/A Reference to section 5 of this specification N/A TITLE DWG NO. PART NO. UNIT'S FINISH MSSS(Kg) Name Drawing number Material number Measurement unit Surface processing code Component and part weight and quantity Title bar SCALE PRODUCT SHEET Drawing scale Product name Page N/A The product which first used this part The number in front of OF is the current page number, and the number after OF is the total number of pages. N/A Reference to section 4 of this specification N/A N/A N/A REV MAT'L DRAW CHKD STAD Product version Name of part materials Designer Reviewer Standardization reviewer APPD RELEASE LEVEL Approver Drawing status N/A Release: officially archived drawing Prototype: temporarily archived drawing FILE NAME REV Change Description bar DESCRIPTION ECA NO. Document name Drawing change version Drawing change number Change description N/A N/A N/A Filled with REPLACE by default. For details about changed descriptions, see the attachment. Drawing status bar • Marked Description of Dimensions
Drawing description
Unless otherwise stated, the dimensions and tolerance in the drawings are the final dimensions and tolerance for spare parts or assemblies.Dimensions with are key dimensions, and they should be well ensured during manufacturing. For dimensions only signed with
Dimensions with () are reference dimensions, that are used in closed loop in
dimensioning chain, and its value is for reference only. Reference size sample shown in Figure 4.
• Reference dimension
Level 1 sueface
The surface marked with level 1 surface on the drawing (as shown in 5) is
appearance surface, It means that there is a higher quality requirement of the surface appearance, the quality of surface appearance of these parts must meet appropriate requirement (specific requirements are described detailedly in product quality specification, or in process quality specification,or in drawings)
• Level 1 surface description
• Riveted part marked
• Rivet Fastener Legend
• Welding symbols marked
see the DKBA04000139 (Quality Requirements for Welding)
• Fastener material and surface treatment marked
It to distinguish the different materials and surface treatment is by the letters which followed by the name of the fastener,and the defaulf material is carbon.Following is the meaning of each letters:
_S:the material is stainless steel _Cu:the material is brass _Al:the material is aluminum
_ZC:Zinc electroplating with yellow conversion coating _H:Zinc electroplating with back conversion coating _N:Electroplating nickel
_ZnNi:Electroplating Zinc- nickel alloy _ZnAl:Zn-Al Flake Coating
GB5783-2000_M10x135_S meanings stainless steel hex bolts
GB5783-2000_M10x135_S_ZnAl meanings stainless steel hex bolts with Zn-Al Flake Coating.
The rivet without suffix dafect to aluminium rivet,and the strength grade is Lever 10, if with suffix _s means the material of rivet collar and bar are austenite stainless steeel.
• Description of Material Bar
The notation of every material contains English letters, Arabic numerals and some single-byte punctuation symbol. Each notation is not exceeds 25 characters.
As a basic principle for notating a material, if the material grades (or code) and the processing state are clearly indicated in a national standard of China, the material grades and processing state must be indicated in the notation; otherwise, the material should be notated in accordance with this Specification or other relevant material selection specifications.
• Marked Form of Standard Material
If the following marked format of material in the material bar, it means the standard material was selected. These materials contain metallic raw materials and non-metallic materials (plastic, rubber, and compound materials, label, film).
Fill in each *. The punctuation symbols in the notation are fixed and should not be changed. The notation must not contain any space.
For detail notation description, see 2.
Detail description of material notation
Field Requirement Base material Required symbol Notation method① Fe Al Zn Cu Pla Com Rub Glass Film Label Ins Description Steel Aluminum Zinc-base alloy Copper Plastic Compound material Rubber Glass Film Label Insulation material Grade or code Required Optional State Blank Specification symbol (red) and Dimension② Optional Metal Grade or code The abbreviation of the material name, or the English name or universal code of the material; For a compound of multiple compositions, indicate the ratio of each composition in parentheses following the composition, with Nonmetal compositions of larger ratios preceding those Code with smaller ratios.Example: Com,PA66+GF(25%) For the material that are used in products supplying to North America, there is ”/NEBS” after the material code. Metal Notate as per relevant Chinese standard. processing state (heat treatment state) Nonmetal Color or retardant grade of the material, to Color or flame identify different materials; retardant in the case of multiple states(state1), grade or separate the states with a hyphen (-)(state2). others The state is not indicated, namely there is no state notation or identification requirement. The state, including the preceding symbol (-) must be omitted. T1.0 Plate, with a thickness of 1.0 mm D5.0 Round bar, with a diameter of 5.0 mm D15x3.0 Round tube, with an outer diameter of 15 mm and a wall thickness of 3.0 mm Quadrate tube, with a side length of 15 mm D-1/15x3.0 and a wall thickness of 3.0 mm 6S5.0 Hexagonal bar, with 5.0 mm distance between parallel edges 8S5.0 Octagonal bar, with 5.0 mm distance between parallel edges 12x12 Square section bar, with a side length of 12 mm 12x5 Blank Special instruction Optional Blank [10 L63x6x7 back adhesive Flat section bar, with side lengths of 12 x 5 (mm) Channel iron,according to GB/T706 type 10 Angle iron,according to GB/T706 type 6.3 Die cast or extruded section or injection molded part, with the dimensions indicated on the design drawing Film material with adhesive on back . Example:Film,PC,T0.25/back adhesive No marked if the material without special requirement,including the symbol (/) must be omitted ①The texts and parentheses in this column are all descriptive information. ②The \"x” in the dimension values are the multiplication sign. Example:
1) Cold-rolled plate, premium cold-rolled carbon steel 08 material compliant with China national standard, with a thickness of 2.0 mm. The notation is: Fe, 08, T2.0 2) Injection molded plastic part conforming to the requirements of NEBS, PC
material, with a flame retardant grade of 5VA and color of “RAL7035”. The notation is: Pla, PC/NEBS-YB206-5VA
• Marked Format of Non-standard Materials
Because some nonmetallic materials, such as packing materials and glass materials, do not have state-designated unified marks or international universal codes, they cannot be notated using the method defined in section 4.1 . In such cases, just indicate the material name and specifications in the material column of the drawings. The
specifications are notated in the same way as described in section 4.1 . If more than 25 characters are needed to note a material exceeds 25 characters, describe the materials in the “Notes” on the design drawing, and fill the material column with “See Note …”.
Tempered glass plate, in brown color, with a thickness of 5 mm. Fill the material column with “SEE NOTE 1”.
The “Notes” section in the drawing should be as follows: NOTES:
• Special Marked_Drawing No.
Some pats are machining on the semi-product,which in the material bar is the drawing number of the semi-product(DKBA XXXXX). Such parts include die-cast parts and section parts.
• Description of Surface Treatment
The surface treatment is sepressed by surface treatment code, The surface
treatment code is expressed the surface treatment methods and the quality requirement.
• Encoding Rules Of Treatment Codes
A surface treatment consists of a letter and three digits. The letter is specified by the first Chinese letter of the substrate material. This rule is not applied to the \"common\" codes. The three digits indicate the sequential number.
If there is more than one surface treatment in one part, only the main treatment code filled in the title bar, and others marked in the notes of the drawings.
If a surface treatmaent code with a suffix,such as”_1” or”_3”…,which means the surface treatmean quality requirements is different with the code without the suffix,and the precess is the same.The detailed requirements refer to the specification of the process.
• Meanings Indicated by Surface Treatment Codes
Table 3 lists the process names, process definitions, quality standard document numbers, and OBSERVATIONAL STANDARD numbers. These quality standard documents and OBSERVATIONAL STANDARD s must be followed.
The combination of codes on the drawing indicates that the surface treatments are performed one by one according to the sequence of the codes. This happens only in the following two cases:
1)Zinc electroplating followed by local powder coating (painting): The combination is \"code of zinc electroplating + code of powder coating on the steel substrate\" (for example, G002+G108,G016+G150). The combination indicates zinc electroplating followed by powder coating. Note that phosphating involved in the powder coating process can be omitted.
2)Aluminum anodizing followed by local powder coating (painting): The
combination is \"code of anodizing + code of powder coating on the aluminum substrate\" (for example, L001+L108). The combination indicates anodizing followed by powder coating. Note that chemical conversion involved in the powder coating process can be omitted.
3) Hot dipping zinc followed by local out-door type powder coating (painting): The combination is \"code of Hot dipping zinc + code of out-door type powder coating on the steel substrate\" (for example, G012+G153). The combination indicates Hot dipping zinc followed by out-door type powder coating. Note that phosphating involved in the powder coating process can be omitted.
Surface treatment codes and the requirement
Substrate Not specified Code A000 Process No surface treatment Quality Requirements None F004 Nonmetallic F006 F007 F226 G001 G002 G003 G004 G005 G006 G007 G008 G009 G011 G012 G014 G015 G016 G017 G018 G101 G102 Steel G103 G104 G105 G106 G107 G108 Plating chromium bright Painting (NS Silver Gray) Painting(IT Black) Painting (EN Silver) Phosphating followed by Painting black Zinc electroplating with yellow conversion coating Same as G002 Zinc electroplating with black conversion coating Same as G006 Electroplating nickel, bright Electroplating pure-tin Electroplating chromium, bright Sandblasting followed by Electroplating chromium, matt Passivation of Stainless Steel Hot dipping zinc Electroplating high-temperature tin Zn-Al Flake Coating Zinc electroplating with blue conversion coating Electroplating hard chrome Electroplating Zinc-Nickel Alloy Same as G107 Phosphating followed by Powder coating (HUAWEI WHITE / SAND) Same as G108 Phosphating followed by powder coating (HUAWEI BLACK / SAND) Phosphating followed by powder coating (HUAWEI BLUE / SAND) Same as G107 Phosphating followed by powder coating (HUAWEI GREY / SAND) Phosphating (or passivation for stainless steel) followed by outdoor type powder coating (RAL7035 / KINKLE,) Passivation (or passivation for stainless steel) followed by outdoor type powder coating (HUAWEI LIGHT GREY 3010 / KINKLE) Same as G125 Phosphating followed by Powder coating (HUAWEI LIGHT GREY 3010 / SAND,) Phosphating followed by outdoor type Powder coating (DARK GREY M6010) Phosphating followed by outdoor type Powder coating (LIGHT GREY M4010) Phosphating followed by Powder coating (NB7547) Phosphating followed by Powder + Same as G002 Same as G006 Same as G107 Same as G108 + + Same as G107 + + G109 G121 G122 G123 G124 G125 G127 + Same as G125 + + + + + G128 G129 G130 G132 G133 G134 G135 G136 G137 G138 G139 G140 G141 G142 G143 G144 G145 G146 G147 G148 G149 G150 G151 G152 G153 G154 G155 coating (NB WHITE) Hot dipping zinc followed by outdoor type Powder coating (HUAWEI LIGHT GREY 3010 / KINKLE) Phosphating (or passivation for Stainless Steel)followed by Powder coating (NC PURPLISH GREY) Phosphating followed by Primer and Top Painting (NC METALLIC GREY) Same as G133 Hot dipping zinc followed by outdoor type Powder coating(RAL7035 / KINKLE) Same as G136 Same as G107 Equivalent to G002 followed by G108 Phosphating followed by Powder coating (PANTONE 413C) Phosphating followed by Powder coating (PANTONE CoolGray 8C) Phosphating followed by PZ powder primer and outdoor type Powder coating (RAL7035 / KINKLE,) Painting rich-zinc Phosphating followed by Powder coating (RAL7035 / SAND) Phosphating followed by Powder coating (RAL7037/ SAND) Phosphating followed by outdoor type Powder coating (NCS2010) Phosphating followed by Powder coating (BD-30488) Passivation (or Passivation of stainless steel) followed by outdoor type powder coating (BT-223) Phosphating followed by Powder coating (BLACK / SAND) Phosphating (or Passivation of stainless steel) followed by outdoor type powder coating (RAL7035 ) Phosphating followed by PZ powder primer and outdoor type Powder coating (RAL7035) Hot dipping zinc followed by outdoor type Powder coating(RAL7035) Phosphating followed by Powder coating (EN BLACK / SAND) Phosphating followed by Powder coating (PURPLISH GREY / FLAT) Phosphating followed by Powder coating(BLACK) Phosphating (or Passivation of stainless steel) followed by outdoor type powder coating (RAL6009 Green ) Phosphating (or passivation for stainless steel) followed by powder coating (VDF WHITE / SAND) Hot dip coating(dipping plastic powder,EN RED) + + + Same as G133 + Same as G136 Same as G107 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + G156 G157 G160 G161 G201 G202 G203 G204 G205 G211 G212 G213 G214 G215 G218 G219 G220 G221 G222 G223 G224 G226 L001 L002 L003 L004 L005 L006 L007 L008 Aluminum alloy L009 L011 L012 L013 L014 L015 L016 L017 Hot dip coating(dipping plastic powder,BLACK) Phosphating followed by powder coating (NE GREEN / SAND) Phosphating (or Passivation of stainless steel) followed by outdoor type powder coating (UC,BLACK/SAND) Belt grinding on stainless followed by fingerprint resitant coating Same as G102 Same as G107 Same as G104 Phosphating followed by Primer and Top painting (HUAWEI BLUE / DOT) Phosphating followed by Primer and Top painting (PDSN BLACK / DOT) Same as G102 Same as G107 Same as G104 Phosphating followed by Primer and Top painting (HUAWEI BLUE) Same as G130 Phosphating followed by Powder coating (DARK BLUE) Same as G130 Phosphating followed by Powder coating (HUAWEI GREY-SILVER) Equivalent to G002 followed by G102 Equivalent to G002 followed by G107 Equivalent to G002 followed by G104 Zinc electroplating with yellow conversion followed by Primer and Top painting (HUAWEI BLUE / DOT) Phosphating followed by Primer and Top painting (EN Silver) Sandblasting bright anodizing Same as L001 Black anodizing Same as L003 Same as L006 Chemical conversion Sandblasting bright chemical conversion Belt grinding followed by Bright chemical conversion Same as L001 Bright chemical conversion Belt grinding followed by Chemical conversion Belt grinding followed by Gun Gray Anodized + + Same as G102 Same as G107 Same as G104 + + Same as G102 Same as G107 Same as G104 + Same as G130 Same as G130 + Same as L001 Same as L003 Same as L006 Same as L001 Sandblasting followed by Gun Gray Anodized Nature anodizing(outdoor type) Belt grinding followed by colorless anodizing Belt grinding followed by black L021 L022 L023 L024 L025 L026 L027 L028 L101 L102 L103 L104 L105 L107 L108 L111 L112 L117 L121 L122 L123 L124 L125 L127 L128 L129 L130 L142 anodizing Electroplating gold Electroplating silver Electroless nickel Electroplating pure-tin Electroplating high-temperature tin Sandblasting followed by Electroplating chromium, matt Electroplating tin(for withstanding high temperature) Sandblasting followed by chemical conversion for ornament Same as L107 Same as L112 Same as L108 Chemical conversion followed by Powder coating (HUAWEI BLACK / SAND) Chemical conversion followed by Powder coating (HUAWEI BLUE / SAND) Chemical conversion followed by Powder coating (HUAWEI GREY / SAND) Chemical conversion followed by outdoor type Powder coating (RAL7035 / KINKLE) Same as L107 Chemical conversion followed by Powder coating (HUAWEI WHITE / SAND) Chemical conversion followed by Powder coating (HUAWEI GREY / SAND) Same as L125 Chemical conversion followed by Powder coating (HUAWEI LIGHT GREY 3010 / SAND) Chemical conversion followed by outdoor type Powder coating (DARK GREY M6010) Chemical conversion followed by outdoor type Powder coating (LIGHT GREY M4010) Chemical conversion+ followed by Powder coating (NB7547) Chemical conversion followed by Powder coating (NB WHITE) Chemical conversion followed by outdoor type Powder coating (HUAWEI LIGHT GREY 3010 / KINKLE) Chemical conversion followed by Powder coating(NC PURPLISH GREY) Chemical conversion followed by Primer and Top painting (NC METALLIC GREY) Chemical conversion followed by outdoor type Powder coating To be specified Same as L107 Same as L112 Same as L108 + + + Same as L107 Same as L125 + + + + + + + + + L143 L145 L147 L148 L150 L154 L157 L158 L160 L201 L202 L203 L204 L206 L211 L219 L220 L226 (RAL7037/ SAND) Chemical conversion followed by outdoor type Powder coating (NCS2010) Chemical conversion followed by outdoor type Powder coating (BT-223) Chemical conversion followed by outdoor type Powder coating (RAL7035) Chemical conversion followed by outdoor type Powder coating (RAL6009 Green) Chemical conversion followed by Powder coating (EN BLACK / SAND) Chemical conversion followed by Powder coating (VDF WHITE / SAND) Chemical conversion followed by powder coating (NE GREEN / SAND) Chemical conversion followed by powder coating(IT BLUE / SAND) Chemical conversion followed by outdoor type powder coating (UC, BLACK/SAND) Chemical conversion followed by Primer and Top painting (HUAWEI WHITE / DOT) Chemical conversion followed by Primer and Top painting (HUAWEI GREY / DOT) Chemical conversion followed by Primer and Top painting (HUAWEI BLACK / DOT) Chemical conversion followed by Primer and by Top painting (HUAWEI BLUE / DOT) Chemical conversion followed by Primer and Top painting (NS SILVER) Same as L112 Chemical conversion followed by Primer and Top painting (LIGHT GOLD-SILVER) Chemical conversion followed by Primer and Top painting (BLACK) Chemical conversion followed by Primer and Top painting (EN SILVER) Chemical conversion followed by Primer and Top painting (metallic grey),and then outdoor type Powder coating (HUAWEI LIGHT GREY 3010 / KINKLE) Passivation of copper alloy Electroplating pure-tin Electroplating nickel, bright Electroplating silver Electroplating gold Same as T001 + + + + + + + + + + + + + Same as L112 + L300 T001 T002 T003 Copper and copper alloys T004 T005 T006 Same as T001 T007 T100 T101 X002 X003 X004 X005 X006 X007 X009 X010 Zinc alloys X127 X129 X150 X157 X158 X202 X203 X220 X226 Same as T003 Hot dip coating (insulating power, BLACK) Hot dip coating (insulating power, NE RED) Electroplating nickel, bright Sandblasting followed by Electroplating chromium, matt Electroplating chromium, bright Sandblasting followed by Matt nickel Electroplating Sandblasting followed by Primer and top painting (NS SILVER) Electroplating nickel black, bright Passivation of nickel alloy Sandblasting followed by passivation of zinc alloy Primer and Powder coating (NB WHITE) Primer and Powder coating (NC PURPLISH GREY) Primer and Powder coating (EN BLACK / SAND) Primer and Powder coating (EN GREEN / SAND) Primer and Powder coating (IT BLUE / SAND) Primer and Top painting (HUAWEI GREY / DOT) Primer and top painting (NE RED) Primer and Powder coating (BLACK) Primer and Powder coating (EN Silver) Same as T003 • Appendix
Old and New Notations of Commonly Use Materials
Table 4 gives a comparison between the old notations and the new notations define in this specification.
Comparison between old and new notation methods
Old notation Premium cold-rolled plate 20#1.0 Premium hot-rolled plate 20#1.0 Cold-rolled plate Q235-A#1.0 Electrolytic plate DX2#1.5 Japanese Grade 1 electrolytic plate # t Cold-drawn round steel bar 20#6 Cold-drawn hexagonal steel bar 20#6 New notation Fe,08,T1.0 Remarks Premium cold-roll carbon steel plate No. 08F, with a thickness of 1.0 mm Fe,DX2,T1.5 DX2 galvanized steel plate with a thickness of 1.5 mm Round steel bar 20, with a diameter of 6.0 mm Hexagonal steel bar 20, with 6.0 mm distance between parallel edges Fe,20,D6.0 Fe,20,6S6.0 Hot seamless tube 20#32X3 L-bar Q235#25X16X4 Stainless cold plate 2Cr13#1.2 Stainless hot round bar 2Cr13#6 Stainless hexagonal bar 2Cr13#6 Stainless cold plate 1Cr#1.5 Stainless steel spring strip #0.15 Spring hot plate 60SI#1.5 Carbon steel spring wire 65Mn#2.0 Aluminum alloy plate 1035#1.5 Aluminum alloy plate 5A02#2.5 Aluminum alloy plate 2A11#3.0 Aluminum round bar 2A11B#12 Aluminum hexagonal bar 2A11 Grade B Aluminum section 6063 Aluminum section 5A02 Workblank DKBA....... Die-cast aluminum alloy YL112 Cast aluminum alloy YL102 Cast zinc alloy ZZnA14 Pure copper T2 M 5 Fe,20,D32x3.0 Fe,Q235C,25x16x4 Fe, 06Cr19Ni10,T1.2 Fe, 06Cr19Ni10,D6.0 Fe, 06Cr19Ni10,6S6.0 Fe, 06Cr19Ni10,T1.5 Fe, 12Cr17Ni7-BY,T0.15 Fe,65Mn,T1.5 Fe,65Mn,D2.0 Al,1100-H24,T1.5 Al,5052-H32,T2.5 Al, 5052-H32,T3.0 Al,2A11-T4,D12 Al,2A11-T4,6S... Al,6063-T5 Steel tube 20, with an outer diameter of 32 mm and a wall thickness of 3.0 mm Q235 L-bar, with side lengths of 25 mm and 16 mm and a thickness of 4 mm 1Cr18Ni9 stainless steel plate, with a thickness of 1.2 mm 1Cr18Ni9 stainless steel round bar, with a diameter of 6.0 mm 1Cr18Ni9 stainless steel hexagonal bar, with 6.0 mm distance between parallel edges 1Cr18Ni9 stainless steel plate, with a thickness of 1.5 mm 1Cr17Ni7 stainless steel spring strip in BY state, with a thickness of 0.15 mm 65Mn steel spring plate, with a thickness of 1.5 mm 65Mn spring wire, with a diameter of 2.0 mm 1100 pure aluminum plate in H24 state, with a thickness of 1.5 mm 5052 aluminum alloy plate in H32 state, with a thickness of 2.5 mm 5052-H32 aluminum alloy plate in H32 state, with a thickness of 3.0 mm 2A11 aluminum alloy round bar in T4 state, with a diameter of 12mm 2A11 aluminum alloy sectional bar in T4 state, with 12 mm distance between parallel edges 6063 aluminum section, in T5 state, dimensions indicated on drawing (generally notated with sectional workblank for self-developed molds) For the material, see DKBA....... Die-cast aluminum alloy YL102 DKBA....... Al,YL102 Die-cast zinc alloy YX040 T2 pure copper plate in tempered state, with a thickness of 5.0 mm Oxygen-free copper Cu,TU1-Y,T2.0 Oxygen-free copper plate in hard state, with a plate TU1 Y 2.0 thickness of 2.0 mm Brass strip H62Y2#0.25 Cu,H62-Y2,T0.25 H62 brass strip in semi-hard state, with a thickness of 0.25 mm Brass bar H62R#1.0 Cu,H62-R,D1.0 H62 brass bar in aging state, with a thickness of 1.0 mm Brass hexagonal bar Cu,H62-R,6S10 H62 brass hexagonal bar in aging state, with a H62RS10 10 mm distance between parallel edges Copper bus bar TMY Cu,TMY,10x100 Flat bus bar TMY, with side lengths of 10 mm 10x100 and 100 mm Plexiglass plate #5.0 Pla,PMMA-Clear plexiglass plate, with a thickness of 5.0 clear ,T5.0 mm 15 polyamide bar Pla,PA66,D15 Polyamide (nylon) bar, with a diameter of 15 mm 3240 glass plate #5.0 Com, EPGC202,T5.0 3240 epoxy phenol aldehyde glass cloth laminated plate, with a thickness of 5.0 mm 3841 glass rod #5.0 Com, EPGC202,D5.0 3240 epoxy phenol aldehyde glass cloth laminated rod, with a diameter of 5.0 mm 1.5 industrial rubber Select specific materials based on usage, including: plate Rub,EPDM,T1.5 Ethylene-propylene-diene rubber for sealing and insulation, with a thickness of 1.5 mm Zn,YX040 Cu,T2-M,T5.0 Rub,SI,T1.5 Silicon rubber for sealing, shock absorption, electrical insulation, and thermal insulation, with a thickness of 1.5 mm • About Obsolete Codes
Table 5lists the obsolete codes. If such codes are found on the drawings, the designer must change the surface treatment method.
Obsolete codes
Obsolete Code A001 A002 A101 A102 A103 A104 A105 A106 F001 F002 F121 F206 F207 F208 F209 F212 F215 F219 F220 G010 G013 G206 G216 G217 G225 G231 L010 L106 L126 L131 L132 L133 L212 L213 Corresponding Process Sand (grit) blasting Belt grinding Powder coating (HUAWEI GREY / KINKLE) Powder coating (HUAWEI WHITE / SAND) Powder coating (HUAWEI GREY / SAND, outdoor type) Powder coating (HUAWEI BLACK / SAND) Powder coating (HUAWEI BLUE / SAND) Powder coating(HUAWEI GRE (POWDER)) Insulation paint immersion coating Black silver painting Top painting (Huawei cool gray 3010) Rubber grey (Primer + Top painting) Top painting (silver grey) Top painting (NC PURPLISH GREY) Top painting (NC Metallic silver) Top painting (Huawei gray) Top painting (flash silver) Top painting (LIGHT GOLD-SILVER) Top painting (HUAWEI GREY-SILVER) Phosphating Dacro Painting \"8030 balck\" Phosphating + Primer + Top painting (pearl gray) Phosphating + Primer + Top painting (Dark green) Zinc Electroplating with iridescent passivation + Rustproof painting Zinc Electroplating with iridescent passivation + Primer + Top painting (Huawei white) Gold anodizing Colorless chemical conversion + Powder coating (Huawei grey) Powder coating (NB silver) Colorless chemical conversion + Powder coating (WAE pure black) Colorless chemical conversion + Powder coating(WAE pure white) Colorless chemical conversion + Powder coating (WAE cool grey) Colorless chemical conversion + Primer + Top painting (Huawei grey) Colorless chemical conversion + Primer + Top painting (Huawei black) L214 L215 L217 L218 X001 X008
Colorless chemical conversion + Primer + Top painting (Huawei blue ) Colorless chemical conversion + Primer + Top painting (flash silver) Colorless chemical conversion + Primer + Top painting (Dark green) Colorless chemical conversion + Powder coating (DARK BLUE) Electroplating pure-tin Sandblasting + Zinc Electroplating with blue-white passivation