专利名称:Method for forming a deposition film发明人:Keishi Saitoh,Wataru Ando申请号:US06/667816申请日:19841102公开号:US04546008A公开日:19851008
摘要:A method for forming a deposition film comprises applying an excitation energyto a silane compound (SiOA) in a gaseous state having at least one substituent (OA) of theformula of --OC.sub.a H.sub.b X.sub. c where b+c=2a+1, a is a positive integer, b and c arezero or a positive integer, provided that b and c are not simultaneously zero and X ishalogen atom to form a deposition film containing silicon atom on a substrate.
A method for forming a deposition film comprises applying an excitation energy to asilane compound (SiA) in a gaseous state having 2-6 silicon atoms, having at least onesubstituent (A) of the formula of --C.sub.a H.sub.b X.sub.c where b+c=2a+1, a is a positiveinteger, b and c are zero or a positive integer, and X is halogen atom, containing at leastone species selected from hydrogen atom and halogen atom, and further at least one ofthe silicon atoms present at the both ends bonding to only one species selected fromhydrogen atom and halogen atom except for bonding to another silicon atom, to form adeposition film containing silicon atom on a substrate.
代理机构:Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto