
Refractory roof and brick therefor

2024-03-03 来源:东饰资讯网

专利名称:Refractory roof and brick therefor发明人:Nilsson, Yvonne申请号:EP95850113.2申请日:19950620公开号:EP0689021A1公开日:19951227


摘要:A refractory roof comprises refractory bricks (A, B, C) arranged in parallel rows(4-6) and having side surfaces connecting with each other, and a superjacent supportingstructure for directly supporting some of the bricks, which in turn support the remainingbricks. Each brick (A, B, C) is quadrilateral in planes which are essentially parallel with theroof. Each of the four sides of every brick, which faces another brick in the roof, has twoessentially parallel surfaces (A11, A12; A21, A22; A31, A32; A41, A42; B11, B12; ...; B41, B42;C11, C12; ...; C41, C42) which are inclined to a plane essentially parallel with the roof andare joined by a surface which is essentially parallel with the roof. Each of the bricks (A)directly supported by the supporting structure has at least two opposite sides having

surfaces (for instance A11, A31; A12, A32) which are inclined downwards and away fromeach other. Each of the remaining bricks (B, C) has at least two opposite sides havingsurfaces (for instance B11, B31; B12, B32; C21, C41; C22, C42) which are upwardly inclinedaway from each other.


地址:Box 502 S-267 25 Bjuv SE


代理机构:Berglund, Gustav Arthur

