
Domestic water pre-heating apparatus and method fo

2020-02-06 来源:东饰资讯网

专利名称:Domestic water pre-heating apparatus and

method for a vehicle

发明人:Bill Moxon,Harold R. Enander申请号:US11069105申请日:20050301



摘要:A compact vehicle heating system and method is provided which includesmechanisms to selectively shut down heating systems. For example, when domestic hotwater is required, space heating and engine preheating systems can be shut down in

order to provide priority heating to the domestic hot water. When the demand fordomestic hot water is lower, the space heating and engine preheat systems can bereactivated. In accordance with other embodiments of the invention, a domestic watertank pre-heating system is provided to pre-heat domestic water within the domesticwater tank. In accordance with still other embodiments of the invention, a water saversystem is provided for limiting the wasting of clean but tepid water.

申请人:Bill Moxon,Harold R. Enander

地址:Greeley CO US,Hudson CO US


