240 河海大学学报(自然科学版) 第38卷 59:l550_1565 Application of turbulence model in nd—induced mixing flows ZHANG Zhuo ,SONG Zhi-yao2,KONG Jun ,ZHANG Fen (1.College ofHarbor,Coc ̄stal,and Offshore Engineering,Hohai University,Na ng 210098,China; 2.Key Laboratory fo Virtual Geographic Environment(Ministyr ofEducation), Nanjing Normal University,No ̄ng 210097,Chian) Abstract:In order to evaluate the application of|i}一kl turbulence model in wind—induced mixing flows.the factors resulting in different simulated results of turbulent difusion were categorized into 3 classes I diferent stability functions, different wall functions and different steady—state Richardson numbers Ri The 一kl turbulence model Was analyzed from the 3 aspects.The influences of different methods on mixing flows and turbulent diffusion were compared.The numerical results were veriifed by use of the overseas test results.It is found that various stability functions have apparent influences on the calculatde results,and the newer models such as CA,CB and CH will give more precise results than the conventional ones such sa MY and KC.The improved parabolic wall function will lead to more reasonable ersults than the parabolic and symmetric wall functions.The steady—state Richardson numbers have great ilfnuences on the development of the mixing flows,and when they increase,the depth of the mixing flows will also increases. Key words: 一kl model;stability function;wall function;steady state Richardson number ・简讯・ 河海大学获2009年度江苏省科技进步一等奖 2010年2月25日下午,江苏省国家技术创新工程试点动员暨科学技术奖励大会在南京隆重召开,科技 部党组书记、副部长李学勇,省委书记梁保华,省委副书记、省长罗志军出席大会并讲话,副省长何权主持大 会.会上,李学勇、梁保华、罗志军为获得2009年度国家科技进步一等奖和江苏省科学技术进步奖的获奖代 表颁发了奖励证书,河海大学任立良教授作为获奖代表上台领奖. 河海大学共有3项科技成果获2009年度江苏省科学技术进步奖,其中由任立良教授主持完成的”流域 水文物理过程及数字模拟”获科学技术进步一等奖,邵孝侯教授参与的”有机废弃物农业循环利用技术集成 与示范应用”和王泽华教授参与的”数字行程控制陶瓷涂层活塞杆液压启闭机\数字行程控制陶瓷涂层活塞 杆液压启闭机”均获三等奖. 至目前,河海大学已获2009年度国家科技奖3项、省部级科技奖35项.自2000年以来的l0年间,河海 大学共获国家科技奖17项、省部级科技奖216项. (本刊编辑部供稿)