
倒立摆论文:倒立摆 粒子群 LQR 模糊控制 实时控制

2023-03-12 来源:东饰资讯网

【关键词】倒立摆 粒子群 LQR 模糊控制 实时控制

【英文关键词】Inverted pendulum PSO LQR Fuzzy control Real-time control




【英文摘要】The inverted pendulum system is a multi-variable, strong coupling, natural instability and higher ordernonlinear system. On the one hand, the inverted pendulum system control can reflect classic problems ofcontrol theory, such as the robustness, stabilization and tracking problem. On the other hand, it has a hightheoretical guiding significance for the military industry, aerospace equipment, robotics and general industrialprocesses. Moreover, it sets up a bridge between control theory and practical application. Inverted pendulumsystem is the typical experimental setup for testing various control algorithms and control theory, so it

makesan important contribution to the effectiveness of the test controller design method.In this thesis, we have studied the linear double inverted pendulum system. By using the traditionalcontrol theory and the theory of intelligent control with particle swarm optimization (PSO), we

haverespectively designed the LQR optimal controller and the fuzzy controller based on particle swarmoptimization for double inverted pendulum. Finally, the real-time control test is made for inverted pendulumphysical system. The detailed contents are as follows:1) Firstly, we introduce the research background and status quo for inverted pendulum system andestablish the mathematical mechanism of the double inverted pendulum model by using the Lagrange equation.Then based on the linear processing, we get the state space equation at the neighborhood of the equilibriumpoint and have qualitative analysis using the linear control theory. Finally, the natural instability of a straightline double inverted pendulum system is proved as well as the controllability and observe-ability near theequilibrium position.2) The basic principle of the LQR optimal control and PSO is described in this paper. By using theintelligent search, incremental optimization and fast

convergence characteristics of the PSO, we can get theglobal optimal solution of Q and R and then design state feedback control K to achieve the double invertedpendulum controller design based on particle swarm optimization LQR. Simulation results have shown theeffectiveness of the design method.3) Based on the state feedback control K, we have designed information fusion function in order to reducethe dimension of the system input variables. Then the powerful optimization features of the PSO can beapplied to the selection of the scale factor and weighting factor. Therefore, a fuzzy controller is designed fordouble inverted pendulum based on particle swarm optimization and the effectiveness of the control method isverified by simulation. Finally, by simulating comparative analysis on the two controllers, results have shownthat the fuzzy controller based on particle swarm optimization has better stability and robustness than another.4) We have carried out the real-time control in MATLAB experiment platform for the two controllers. Theresults suggest that both of the two controllers can stabilize the double inverted pendulum system and haverobustness as well.



3-4ABSTRACT4第一章 绪论7-111.1 倒立摆


1.2 倒立摆系统的研究现状

1.4 本文结

1.3 倒立摆系统的主要控制方法8-9



第二章 二级倒立摆数学模型的建立

2.1 二级倒立摆数学模型的建立


2.2 二级倒立摆数学模型的线性化15-18

二级倒立摆线性模型的性能分析18-22化的二级倒立摆 LQR 控制器设计22-38原理22-2626-29

第三章 基于 PSO 优3.1 LQR 最优控制的

3.2 LQR 控制反馈系统的稳定性分析3.3 粒子群算法的基本原理29-31

3.4 基于

PSO 对加权矩阵 Q,R 的选取31-34立摆 LQR 控制器仿真实验34-38二级倒立摆模糊控制器设计38-5738-40函数39-40

3.5 基于 PSO 优化的倒第四章 基于粒子群优化的4.1 信息融合技术39

4.1.2 构造融合4.2.1 定义输

4.1.1 信息融合技术的原理

4.2 模糊控制器设计40-45



4.2.2 定义隶属度函数

4.2.4 精确化

4.2.3 确定模糊推理规则43-45

4.3 基于粒子群算法优化模糊控制器参数4.4 运用 matlab 软件设计控制器47-49

4.5 4.6 仿

基于 PSO 优化的二级倒立摆模糊控制仿真结果49-51真结果对比分析51-57

4.6.1 控制效果对比

51-534.6.2 鲁棒性能对比53-57第五章 倒立摆系统




第六章 结论与展望61-6264-66

