A company divides projects into three groups: A, B, and C. The A group will open new business areas for the company. B group is very mature. It is the main source of company profits. The industry of C group is shrinking. The company set different priorities for the three groups of projects and allocate resources according to this priority. What is this management activity?——[单选题] A 项目管理
Project Management B 项目集管理
Program Management C 项目组合管理
Portfolio Management D 项目治理
Project Governance 正确答案:C
There are several project teams in a company that often have conflicts due to the interaction between projects, such as other projects' tasks cannot be completed on time, resulting in delays in their own projects. Although project managers often have meetings together, they have little effect. What role do they need to solve these problems most now?——[单选题] A 项目组合经理 Portfolio Manager B 项目集经理 Program Manager C PMO负责人 PMO Leader
D 变更控制委员会CCB Change Control Board 正确答案:B
Which of the following statements is not true about the project and operation?——[单选题]
A 持续运营不属于项目的范畴;
Continuous operation is not in the scope of the project; B 项目和运营可能存在交叉;
There may be a crossover between the project and operation; C 项目专注于成果交付,运营聚焦在实现商业价值;
The project focuses on the delivery of results, and the operation focuses on realizing commercial value.
D 项目和运营是截然分开的两个阶段。
Project and operation are two distinct phases. 正确答案:D
The following may be features of the project, EXCEPT:——[单选题] A 临时性 temporary B 重复性 repetitive C 独特性 uniqueness D 不确定性 uncertainty 正确答案:B
Project manager receives a new software product development project, according to the user's continuous feedback to determine the product function step by step, and how to realize these functions also has no mature technical solution can learn from. What project life cycle should the project manager recommend?——[单选题] A 预测型
Predictive type B 适应型
Adaptive type C 迭代型
Iteration type D 增量型
Incremental type 正确答案:B
Which of the following statement about project life cycles and project phases is true?——[单选题]
A 类似的领域和组织就有相同的项目生命周期。
Similar Application Areas and Organizations have identical project life cycles. B 项目生命期内的项目阶段总是依次顺序排列的。
Project phases within a project life cycle are always sequential. C 项目生命期并不定义项目的开始和结束。
Project life cycle does not define the beginning and end of a project. D 不同的子项目可以有不同的生命周期。
Subprojects may have distinct project life cycles. 正确答案:D
A project manager is asked to perform a cost-benefit analysis for two potential projects. Project A costs US$ 1.2 billion,with potential benefits of US$ 6 billion and future US$ 1.3 billion. Project B costs US$ 1.4 billion, with
potential benefits of US$ 6.5 billion and future US$ 1.2 billion. Which project should the project manager recommend?——[单选题]
A 项目B;因为潜在效益减去执行成本所得的值大于项目A所得值。
Project B; the potential benefits minus the costs to implement are greater calculation for project A.
B 项目A;因为执行成本与未来运营成本之和低于项目B。
Project A; the cost to implement is less than project B. C 项目B;因为潜在效益与执行及运营成本之和的比值大于项目A。
Project B; the potential benefits minus the implementation and future greater than the same calculation for project A.
D 项目A;因为潜在效益与执行成本的比值大于项目B。
Project A; the potential benefits plus the future operating costs are less than calculation for project B. 正确答案:C
Which of the following statements is true:——[单选题]
A 五大过程组可能出现在项目的每个阶段。
The five process groups may appear at each stage of the project. B 管理任何项目都应该包含49个过程。
Managing any project should include 49 processes. C 收尾过程组只发生在产品交付阶段。
Closing process group occurs only in the phase of product delivery. D 五大过程组是按照时间先后顺序发生的。
The five process groups occur in chronological order. 正确答案:A
Tailoring objects which can be the following, EXCEPT:——[单选题] A 项目管理过程
project management process. B 项目生命周期和阶段
project life cycle and phases. C 输入、输出及工具技术
input, output, technology and tools D 项目章程
project charter 正确答案:D
A project with a life cycle of 10 years is investing $1.5 million at the beginning of the project, with annual income of $500,000 and annual expenditure of $200,000. What is the ROI of the project and the investment payback period PBP?——[单选题] A ROI 200%,PBP 5年 ROI 200%,PBP 5 years B ROI 20%,PBP 3年 ROI 20%,PBP 3 years C ROI 20%,PBP 5年 ROI 20%,PBP 5 years D ROI 33.3%,PBP 3年 ROI 33.3%,PBP 3 years 正确答案:C
Your company asks you to evaluate whether to approve an energy-saving renovation project. If all the lights in the company are replaced with LED lights, the cost will be $350,000, and the company will save $100,000 in electricity each year. The LED lights will be updated every five years. In 5 years warranty period, if there is damage to the LED lights, the supplier is responsible for free replacement. The discount rate set by the company is 10%. What is the NPV of the project?——[单选题]
A 2.93万元 $29,300 B -15万元 -$150,000 C -2.93万元 -$29,300 D 15万元 $150,000
12、 根据下列四个项目的对比数据,你应该向管理层推荐哪个项目:
Which project should you recommend to the sponsor according to the comparison data of the following four projects?项目A的净现值NPV为25万美元,项目B的净现值为25万美元,项目C的净现值为30万美元,项目D的净现值为30万美元,项目A的内部收益率IRR为16%,项目B的内部收益率IRR为19%,项目C的内部收益率IRR为19%,项目D的内部收益率IRR为16%。——[单选题] A 项目A Project A B 项目B Project B C 项目C Project C D 项目D Project D
The project team includes several professional groups from different companies in different countries. A member asked the project manager a series of questions,
such as what language the work email should use, which company's template to refer for plan, and which company's process to use for review. Which of the following documents should be referred to by the project manager?——[单选题] A 项目章程
Project charter B 项目沟通管理计划
Project communication management plan. C 组织治理框架
Organizational governance framework. D 项目治理框架
Project governance framework. 正确答案:D
Which of the following is a feature of the project management process?——[单选题] A 反复迭代的 iteratively. B 彼此独立的
independent of each other. C 缺一不可的 indispensable. D 行业专属的
industry-specific. 正确答案:A
Which of the following project lifecycles is the most unfriendly to change?——[单选题] A 迭代型 Iterative B 敏捷型 Agile C 瀑布型 Waterfall D 增量型 Incremental 正确答案:C
The following are the enterprise environmental factors for the project, EXCEPT for:——[单选题]
A 公司的财务、人事和采购制度;
The company's financial approval process; B 相关的法律和行业规范;
Relevant laws and industry norms; C 公司的项目管理信息系统;
The company's project management information system; D 以往类似项目中获得的教训。
Lessons learned from similar projects in the past. 正确答案:D
The following are the contents of the organizational governance framework, EXCEPT:——[单选题] A 责任人唯一原则;
The sole responsibility principle; B 业务汇报层级;
Business reporting level; C 项目集和项目组合模式; Program and portfolio model; D 应急响应程序。
Emergency response procedures. 正确答案:A
The following problems can be found in the functional organizational structures in multiple projects environments,EXECPT:——[单选题] A 项目绩效与部门绩效难以统一;
project performance and department performance are difficult to be integrated; B 项目成员更在意他们的职能专业,而不是项目目标;
project members are more concerned with their functional specialties than project goals;
C 对客户需求的反应比较慢;
slower response to client's requirements; D 项目成员缺乏安全感和归属感。
lack of security and perception of affiliation to project members. 正确答案:D
The resources required by the project manager for the new project must be
distributed and managed by all the relevant functional managers. The organization structure of this company is most likely?——[单选题] A 平衡矩阵型组织 balanced matrix B 弱矩阵型组织 weak matrix C 强矩阵型组织 strong matrix D 职能型组织 functional
Which of the following statements is true compared to functional organization and matrix organization?——[单选题]
A 在职能型组织中,项目团队协作效率更高;
In functional organization, project team is more efficient; B 职能组织中项目经理都是全职的;
Project managers in functional organizations are full-time; C 矩阵组织中,团队成员通常向职能经理和项目经理同时汇报工作;
In matrix organization, team member should report both to functional manager and project manager;
D 职能型组织中,项目经理拥有更高的权限。
In functional organizations, project managers have higher authority. 正确答案:C
The project manager is busy managing a project but get a new project, the new
project is more complicated. The project manager is under a lot of pressure to get help, and he heard that a similar project had been done last year. What should he do now?——[单选题]
A 请教去年做过那个项目的成员,以获得经验;
consult the members of the project last year to gain experience; B 向职能经理申请更多资源;
Apply for more resources from functional managers;
C 从PMO处获取历史记录及指导原则;
Obtaining historical records and guiding principles from PMO; D 推荐其他人担任这个新项目的项目经理。
Recommend other people to be the project manager for the new project. 正确答案:C
22、一个项目团队将赶赴一个新的国家开展新项目,PMO可能提供以下支持,除了: A project team will go to a new country for new projects. PMO may provide the following support,EXCEPT:——[单选题] A 提供在这个国家开展项目的最佳实践;
Provide best practices for projects in this country; B 提供针对这个国家法律、文化、当地习俗的专项培训;
Provide special training for the laws, culture and local customs of this country; C 提供这类项目的绩效报告模板;
Provide templates for the performance report of such projects; D 提供这个项目的相关方登记册。
Provide register of stakeholders in this project. 正确答案:D
Project managers find that works are often delayed by functional managers who are busy with other higher-priority projects. The project manager wants to clarify which priority his project is in. Who is responsible for determining the priority of projects?——[单选题] A 项目隶属的项目集经理
program manager of this project. B 项目隶属的项目组合经理
portfolio manager of this project. C 项目管理办公室
project management office. D 职能经理们的上级领导
supervisors of functional managers. 正确答案:C
24、哪两个过程组彼此提供潜在的循环输入?Which two process groups provide potentially cyclical inputs to each other?——[单选题] A 执行过程组和监控过程组。
Executing processes and controlling processes.
B 计划过程组和执行过程组。
Planning processes and executing processes. C 计划过程组和监控过程组。
Planning processes and controlling processes. D 监控过程组和收尾过程组。
Controlling processes and closing processes. 正确答案:A
You have just completed the project design phase for a client’s product and are about to enter the implementation phase. All the following need to be done,EXCEPT:——[单选题] A 总结经验。 Lesson learn. B 转移知识。
Transfer knowledge. C 范围确认。
Scope confirmation. D 产品验收。
Product acceptance. 正确答案:D
Which of the following does not belong to the project manager?——[单选题] A 对技术能力不满足项目要求的团队成员提供针对性技术培训;
Provide targeted technical training to team members who do not meet the requirements of the project;
B 在实践中积累经验,持续改进项目管理过程;
Accumulate experience in practice and continuously improve project management process;
C 组织编制项目进度计划、预算并控制项目以满足绩效要求;
Organize the development of project schedule, budget and control the project to meet the performance requirements;
D 负责交付符合验收标准的项目成果并力争相关方满意。
Responsible for delivering the project results that meet the acceptance criteria and strive for the satisfaction of Stakeholders. 正确答案:A
27、 以下对项目团队和项目管理团队表述正确的是?
What is correct for the project team and project management team?——[单选题] A 项目团队就是项目管理团 队;
Project team is the project management team; B 项目管理团队包含项目团队;
project management team includes project team;
C 项目管理团队包括参与项目管理活动的项目团队成员;
Project management team includes project team members who are involved in project management activities;
D 项目管理团队成员不需要参与活动的执行。
The project management team members do not need to participate in the implementation of the activities. 正确答案:C
A project has been completed, the new system has been officially launched and all the acceptance procedures have been completed. The customer requests the project manager to investigate the reasons for the high turnover rate of the system and solve it in time. The project manager found that the operation team was not
familiar with the new system and caused the slow response of service users. Which item should the project manager carry out?——[单选题] A 要求项目团队评估根本原因,纠正问题并记录经验教训;
Ask the project team to evaluate the root cause, correct the problem and record the lessons learned;
B 审查收尾文件,确认已按合同要求完成了知识转移工作,将结果报告给客户;
Review the closing documents, confirm that knowledge transfer has been completed according to the requirements of the contract, and report the results to the customer;
C 将客户的投诉上报给项目发起人,分配资源解决该问题;
Report the customer complaint to the project sponsor and allocate resources to solve the problem;
D 审查风险管理计划,确定是否提前识别和规划该问题。
Review the risk management plan to determine if the problem is identified and planned.
29、 客户提出的一项变更需求已经实现,并得到了客户的认可。但项目经理发现为了满足客户的这个需求,团队不得不加班才没有影响项目的进度基准。项目经理把这个经历整理成文字
A change request submitted by the client has been realized and approved by the client. The project manager found that team had to work overtime to meet this
request without affecting the project's schedule baseline。The project manager put the experience into words and record it in the register of lessons learned. Which of the following is the project manager updated?——[单选题] A 组织过程资产;
enterprise process assets; B 事业环境因素;
business environment factors; C 项目管理计划;
Project management plan; D 项目文件。
project documents. 正确答案:D
Which of the following is not required to make project charter?——[单选题] A 事业环境因素
business environment factors. B 效益管理计划
benefit management plan. C 项目进度计划 project schedule. D 组织过程资产
enterprise process assets. 正确答案:C
A project manager gets a call from a team member notifying him that there is a variance between the speed of a system on the project and the desired or planned speed. The project manager is surprised because that performance measurement was not identified in planning. If the project manager then evaluates whether the variance warrants a response, he is in which part of the project management process?——[单选题] A 启动 Initiating B 执行
Executing C 监控
Monitoring and controlling D 收尾 Closing
Closing process includes all the following EXCEPT:——[单选题] A 质量审计和风险审计
Quality audit and risk audit. B 交付项目产品
Deliver the product of the project. C 知识转移
Knowledge transfer. D 更新公司组织过程资产
Updating the company`s organizational process assets. 正确答案:A
33、一名团队成员因为低估了活动的难度,导致估算的活动时间明显不足,他周末连续加了两天班才把工作完成,好在没有影响其他人员的工作和项目进度。他应该把这件事: A team member underestimated the difficulty of the activity, resulting in an apparently insufficient duration estimate of activity. It took him two days to complete the work on weekends. Fortunately, the project schedule and activities of other team members were not affected. What should he do:——[单选题] A 记入经验教训登记册;
record it into register of lessons learned; B 记入风险登记册;
record it into the risk register; C 记录到问题日志;
record it into the issue log; D 记录到变更日志。
record it into the change log. 正确答案:A
34、 记录经验教训发生在什么时间?
What is the time when the lessons learned?——[单选题] A 项目结束时;
at the end of the project;
B 项目阶段结束时;
at the end of the project phases; C 变更发生时;
when a change occurs; D 项目全过程。
throughout the project. 正确答案:D
When it comes to changes, the project manager’s attention is BEST focused on:——[单选题]
A 促进变更发生 Promoting changes B 跟踪和记录变更
Tracking and recording changes C 通知项目发起人
Informing project sponsor D 避免不必要的关联变更
preventing unnecessary associated changes 正确答案:D
Which of the following statements about the project management plan is incorrect?——[单选题]
A 项目管理计划应该由项目经理带领项目团队共同开发;
The project management plan should be jointly developed by the project manager with the project team;
B 制定项目管理计划需要基于项目章程;
Developing project management plan needs to base on the project charter; C 项目管理计划通常不包含项目执行数据;
Project management plans usually do not include project execution data; D 项目管理计划一经批准就不应该修改。
The project management plan should not be modified once it is approved. 正确答案:D
A functional manager wants to change an activity duration estimate. The project manager analyzes the change and determines that it will cause a delay to the
entire project. Who should authorize the change?——[单选题] A 高级管理层
Senior management B 发起人
Project sponsor C 项目经理
Project manager D 变更控制委员会 Change control board 正确答案:D
The project manager has just received a change request from the client. It does not affect the schedule of the project and is easy to implement. What should the project manager do first?——[单选题] A 尽快实施变更;
implement the change as soon as possible; B 联系项目发起人并获得批准;
contact the project promoter and get approval; C 报告给变更控制委员会; report it to CCB;
D 评估这个变更对项目其它制约因素的影响。
to assess the effect of the changes to other project constraints. 正确答案:D
Scope confirming of a product development project with the client before the end of the first stage. A key deliverable is rejected by the client. The project
manager realizes that the rework will lead to the cost increase and the failure to deliver the final product on time. The client insists that this is not the
responsibility of the buyer, therefore refuses to change the baseline of cost and schedule. What should the project manager do?——[单选题] A 向高级管理层申请额外的资源;
Apply to senior management for extra resources; B 向高级管理层上报这个项目整体风险;
Report the overall risk of the project to senior management; C 与客户协商适当缩减项目范围;
Negotiate with the client to reduce project scope appropriately; D 与团队评估返工的影响,并向CCB提出变更请求。
Assess the impact of rework with the team and make a change request to CCB. 正确答案:D
40、更换一个关键组件的采购来源在项目执行期间获得批准。在产品发布之后,业务经理抱怨说,这个组件对她的工作产生负面影响。项目经理依靠哪个文件获得业务经理的验收? Replacing the procurement source of a key component has been approved during the project execution. After the product was released, A business manager complained that the component had a negative impact on her work. Which document does the project manager rely on to obtain the acceptance of the business manager?——[单选题]
A 风险登记册 Risk register. B 经验教训登记册
Register of lessons learned. C 变更日志 Change log D 问题日志 issue log
A key project stakeholder requests that a team member make a small modification to a feature. The team member decides that the modification could be implemented in a short time. The team member implements the modification without informing the project manager. During confirm scope, the project manager finds out about the modification. After conducting a detailed analysis, the project manager finds that the team member’s initial analysis was incomplete and the modification needed additional cost and time,affecting the project schedule. What should the project manager do next?——[单选题]
A 撤销团队成员所做的修改,继续按原计划执行下一个阶段工作,同时通知项目相关方; Revoke the modification and proceed to the next stage by the original plan,then inform the stakeholder.
B 将变更影响评估报告与项目相关方讨论,确认该变更的必要性,强调对成本和进度的影响。如果该相关方坚持要将这项变更包含在内,项目经理向变更控制委员会发起变更请求,以获得
Discuss the change impact assessment report with the stakeholder to verify the necessity of the modification and emphasize the impact on cost and schedule. If the stakeholder insists that the modification must be included, the project manager should initiate a change request to CCB for approval;
C 向项目相关方说明变更对成本和进度的影响。告知在目前项目所处的阶段,不能将变更包含在内;
Explain to the stakeholder the impact of modification on cost and schedule. Inform that the modification could not be included in current phase of the project; D 将项目相关方直接与团队成员交流的事上报给项目发起人。
Escalate to the sponsor about the stakeholder directly interacting with the team member.
The client requests to complete an additional function for completion of project, otherwise he do not agree to the acceptance. This function is not within the scope of the project, and the project team has no prior knowledge of it. What should the project manager do to successfully complete the project?——[单选题] A 拒绝客户的要求,坚持提交验收资料;
Refuse the client's request and insist on submitting the acceptance report; B 将该功能补充进项目范围,并和团队完成它;
Add this function to the project scope and complete it with the team; C 评估影响并向变更控制委员会提出变更请求;
Assess the impact and submit change requests to the CCB; D 避免修改项目文件等繁琐过程,和团队加班完成以满足客户要求。
Avoid the tedious processes such like modifying project files, and work overtime with the team to meet customer requirements. 正确答案:C
43、 客户在接受设计之后提出了一项范围变更。这个变更可能对许多项目组成部分产生影响。项目经理最适当的回应是什么?
The client requests a scope change after accepting the design. This change will have potential impacts on several project components. What is the project manager’s MOST APPROPRIATE response?——[单选题] A 说服客户推迟变更
convince client to delay the change B 基于变更修改项目计划
update project plan based on this change
C 如果该变更十分关键,则进行变更,并通知变更控制委员会
If this change is critical, then implement it and inform the CCB D 评估变更对于成本和进度的影响,在实施变更之前获得批准
Estimate the cost and schedule affected by the change, get approval before implement
Supplier X has won the bid, but he cannot guarantee that a key component can be supplied on time. The project manager recognizes another supplier Y which can provide similar products. What should the project manager do next?——[单选题] A 向变更控制委员会提交一项变更请求; Submit a change request to the CCB;
B 终止向供应商X的采购,与供应商Y签订供货合同;
Terminate the purchase of supplier X and sign the supply contract with supplier Y; C 查阅项目供应商选择标准,确认供应商Y符合资格;
Check the selection criteria of project suppliers and confirm that supplier Y is qualified;
D 向采购部门提出变更供应商的要求。
Request the purchasing department to change the supplier. 正确答案:A
The change request initiated by the project manager has been approved by CCB. Before the change is performed, the project manager must do which of the following:——[单选题] A 总结经验教训
summarize lessons learned. B 更新组织过程资产
update the organizational process assets. C 评估变更的风险
assess the risk of the change. D 通知项目相关方
inform project stakeholders. 正确答案:D
The project manager was informed by the client that due to the force majeure, the contract payment which should be paid according to the project schedule was
suspended, and the recovery time was not yet determined. What should the project manager do?——[单选题]
A 这并不影响公司已批准的项目预算,继续按计划执行;
Continue project as plan,because it does not affect the project budget approved by project manager ‘s company;
B 为避免给公司带来财务风险,立即宣布停止项目并遣散资源;
To avoid financial risk to the company, immediately announce the termination of the project and release the resources;
C 将客户的通知转发给所有分包商和供应商,并以此为依据暂停所有采购合同款支付;
Forward the customer's notice to all the project subcontractors and suppliers, and to suspend all purchase contract payments based on it; D 与团队评估这个事件带来的影响,向CCB发起变更请求。
Assess the impact of this incident with the team and initiate a change request to CCB.
The project manager is responsible for a product development project. Product development completed and passed the acceptance test. Before the final release, the client found a key issue that had to be fixed and agreed to pay for the costs associated with the product change. What should the project manager do first?——[单选题]
A 拒绝客户的请求,并建议在后续版本中修复这个问题;
Reject the client's request and suggest to fix the problem in the subsequent release;
B 按照客户的要求立刻修复问题,并向后顺延发布时间;
Immediately fix the problem according to the client's requirement and postpone the release date;
C 与团队评估因变更产生的成本和工期,与客户签署补充协议;
With the team to evaluate the cost and duration of the change, and sign a supplementary agreement with the client;
D 与团队评估变更的影响,准备书面变更请求给CCB。
Assess the impact of the change with the team and prepare a written change request to CCB.
The project charter has just been released. The project manager found that a key authorization needed for the project was not in the project charter. What should the project manager do?——[单选题] A 根据章程中已授权的内容编制项目计划;
Prepare the project plan according to the authorized content of project charter already;
B 更新章程,将这一必要的授权补充进去;
Update project charter and add this necessary authorization; C 将缺乏授权的信息记录到风险登记册中;
Record the lack of authorized information in the risk register; D 与项目发起人沟通,发起章程变更申请。
Communicate with the sponsor to initiate a change application of charter. 正确答案:D
Which of the following configuration management activities is part of the perform integrated changer control process?——[单选题] A 将实际项目绩效与项目管理计划对比
Compare actual project performance against the project management plan B 更新范围管理计划
Update scope management plan
C 确定并记录项目产品的功能和物理特性
Identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of products D 核实可交付成果的完成程度
Verify deliverables for completeness. 正确答案:B
50、 一个项目相关方要求对项目范围进行重大变更,该变更对于相关方来说至关重要。项目经理对变更开展了必要分析,由于变更对项目成本和进度均会产生显著影响,变更需要得到变更控制委员会(CCB)的批准,但CCB拒绝了这个变更。项目经理接下来应该怎么做? A project stakeholder requires an important change to the scope of the project, which is critical to the stakeholder. Project manager carries out necessary
analysis to the change requirement. Due to the change,project cost and schedule will have significant impacts. This change need to be approved by the change control board (CCB), but the change is refused by CCB. What should the project
manager do next?——[单选题]
A 不理会变更控制委员会的决定,实施变更,因为这个变更对这个相关方至关重要,且相关方满意是项目成功的标准;
Implement the change despite the decision made by the CCB, because the change is critical to the stakeholder and the satisfaction of stakeholders’ is standard for success of the project.
B 将变更控制委员会的决定记录到变更日志,向相关方和项目团队反馈这个情况; Record the decision of CCB to the change log and feedback the results to the stakeholder and project team truthfully;
C 建议立即停止该项目,进行新的需求收集和风险评估;
Recommends stop the project immediately for new requirements gathering and risk assessment;
D 与变更委员会成员分别单独会面,以此来影响他们改变决定。
Meeting with members of CCB individually to influence their decision to change. 正确答案:B
51、在指导和管理项目的过程中, 对于已经完成的活动,项目经理应该首先审查? Which of the following should the project manager review for each completed activity during directing and managing a project?——[单选题] A 工作绩效数据
Work performance data B 风险登记册 Risk register C 变更日志 Change log D 问题日志 Issue logs
A project manager has put in place rules covering who will have access to
controlled documents, how changes to these items will be recorded and approved, and how everyone will know what the current version is. The project manager is therefore creating a:——[单选题] A 工作授权系统
Work authorization system B 变更控制系统
Change control system C 配置管理系统
Configuration management system D 项目管理信息系统
Project management information system 正确答案:C
Configuration management may be oriented towards the following objects, EXCEPT:——[单选题]
A 产品的版本、功能、组件、文档;
Product versions, functions, components and documents; B 项目的基准、计划、文件;
Baselines, plans and files of the project; C 项目中获得的知识、经验、教训;
Knowledge, experiences and lessons learned in the project; D 项目经理的领导力和人际关系技能。
Project manager's leadership and interpersonal skills. 正确答案:D
All the following must be performed during project initiating EXCEPT:——[单选题] A 识别并归档业务需求
Identify and document business needs. B 创建项目范围说明书
Create a project scope statement. C 把项目分成不同的阶段
Divide a large project into phases. D 搜集并评估历史信息
Accumulate and evaluate historical information. 正确答案:B
The numbering system of work breakdown structure (WBS) has the following functions except:——[单选题]
A 按照编码区分项目工作的优先级;
according to the numbers to distinguish priority of the project works; B 展现WBS中各元素的关系;
demonstrate the relationship of elements in WBS; C 识别每个WBS元素在哪个层级;
Identify the level of each WBS element;
D 与组织分解结构和资源分解结构进行整合。 integrate with OBS and RBS. 正确答案:A
When should the scope confirm be done?——[单选题] A 项目结束时
At the end of the project; B 项目开始时
At the beginning of the project C 项目每个阶段结束时
At the end of each phase of the project D 变更发生时
Once change occur 正确答案:C
All the following are parts of the scope baseline EXCEPT the:——[单选题] A 范围管理计划
Scope management plan B 项目范围说明书
Project scope statement C 工作分解结构
Work breakdown structure D WBS词典
WBS dictionary. 正确答案:A
58、在WBS中,项目被分解到工作包,下列哪一项关于工作包的表述是不正确的? In the WBS, the project is decomposed into the work package. Which of the following statements about the work package is incorrect?——[单选题] A 可以评估完成工作包所需要的资源
The resources required to complete the work package can be evaluated. B 可以估算该工作包的工期和成本
The duration and cost of the work package can be estimated. C 可以包含一个或多个可交付成果
Can contain one or more deliverables. D 逻辑上不可以再继续分解
logically cannot be broken down
59、电动大客车研发项目,项目经理从收集客户需要开始,然后客观地对这些需要进行分类和排序, 并为实现这些需要而设定研发目标。他用的是?
Electric bus R&D project, project manager starts collecting needs from customers, then objectively classify and sorting these needs, and set R&D objects to realize these needs. What is he using?——[单选题] A 联合应用设计和开发(JAD)
Joint application design and development (JAD) B 质量功能展开(QFD)
Quality function deployment (QFD) C 用户故事(User Story) User story
D 待办事项列表(Backlog) Backlog
Which of the following describes the characteristics of rolling wave planning?——[单选题]
A 从工作包向上滚动到WBS更高层级的规划方法;
The planning method of rolling up from the work package to the higher level of WBS; B 只规划一个阶段的工作,完成后滚动到下一个阶段开始新的规划;
Plan only one stage of work and then scroll to the next stage to start the new plan;
C 按照项目涉及各专业领域,完整滚动一圈来完成规划;
Complete the planning in accordance with various professional fields which the project involved in;
D 根据项目信息的不断收集,规划包变成工作包的过程。
According to the continuous collection of project information from planning packages become work packages. 正确答案:D
To control the schedule a project manager is analyzing the sequence of activities with the least amount of scheduling flexibility to predict the project duration. What technique is she using?——[单选题] A 关键路径法(CPM)
Critical path method B 流程图 Flowchart
C 紧前关系绘图法(前导图)
Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) D 里程碑图
Milestone chart 正确答案:A
Comparing several ways of estimating the duration of activities what is the correct statement?——[单选题]
A 类比估算比自下而上估算的成本低,通常准确度也低;
analogue estimation is less costly than bottom-up estimation and is usually less accurate;
B 参数估算法是估算每项活动的持续时间的最理想的方法;
parameter estimation is the most ideal way to estimate the duration of each activity;
C 专家判断法估算整个项目的工期通常是最可靠的;
The expert judgment method estimates that the duration of the entire project is usually the most reliable;
D 用三点估算法公式得出的期望值就是确保能够完成该项工作的时间。
The expected value of the three-point estimation method is to ensure that the work is completed. 正确答案:A
The expected value of an activity period is 6 days the standard deviation 0.5 days and the possibility of completing the activity within 5 days?——[单选题] A 15.87% 15.87% B 97.73% 97.73% C 2.27% 2.27% D 84.13% 84.13%
The data of the old system is migrated to the new system. The optimistic estimate is 4 days. It is most likely to estimate 7 days. Pessimistic estimate is 16 days and the beta distribution is adopted to calculate the expected value and standard deviation. Which of the following is true?——[单选题] A 期望值9天,标准差2天;
expected value 9 days standard deviation 2 days; B 期望值8天,标准差1天;
expected value 8 days standard deviation 1 day; C 期望值7天,标准差2天;
expected value 7 days standard deviation 2 days; D 期望值8天,标准差2天。
expected value 8 days standard deviation 2 days. 正确答案:D
The meaning of lag is:——[单选题]
A 不影响项目总工期的前提下,活动可以拖延的总时间;
The total amount of time that activities can be delayed without affecting the overall project duration;
B 不影响紧后工作最早开始时间的前提下,活动可以拖延的总时间;
The total amount of time that activities can be delayed without affecting the earliest starting time of the tight work; C 等待时间; waiting time;
D 与紧前工作并行的时间。
Time parallel to immediately preceding work. 正确答案:C
66、 一名项目团队成员报告说因为和她配合的技术人员离职了,需要重新招募替代人员,因此活动原定的开始时间需要顺延2周。因为项目对公司非常重要,这个突发情况导致管理层很紧张。你作为项目经理在汇报项目进展时却坚持说项目可以按期完成,不必担心。你可以这样说的依据是?
One project team member reported that because the technical staff who had been cooperating with her had left they needed to re-recruit the replacement one so the original start time of the activity had to be delayed by 2 weeks. Because the project is very important to the company this unexpected situation has caused the management to be very nervous. As the project manager,when you report the
progress of the project you insist that the project can be completed on schedule
without worrying about it. Why can you say that?——[单选题] A 活动处于关键路径上,你会重点关注;
The activity is on the critical path and you will focus on it; B 活动处于非关键路径上,且总浮动时间大于2周;
The activity is on the non-critical path and the total floating time is greater than 2 weeks;
C 活动处于非关键路径上,无论如何不会影响总工期;
The activity is on a non-critical path regardless of how the total project duration is not affected;
D 活动处于关键路径上,团队可以加班赶回来。
The activity is on the critical path and the team can work overtime. 正确答案:B
67、 项目经理不允许团队成员在评估活动历时时增加安全时间,但他自己在给发起人汇报项目工期时额外多报了5周。针对他这种做法你怎么看?
The project manager does not allow team members to increase any buffer to the duration estimates of activities. But he himself adds an extra by five weeks to the project schedule which is reported to the sponsor. What do you think about?——[单选题]
A 项目经理太自私,欺下瞒上;
The project manager is so selfish that he is playing politics; B 项目经理这么做没错,他争取的是管理储备;
The project manager is right he is fighting for management reserve; C 项目经理这么做没错,他采用的是关键路径法;
The project manager is right he used the critical path method; D 项目经理这么做没错,他采用的是关键链法。
The project manager is right he used the critical chain method. 正确答案:D
Which of the following is not true?——[单选题] A 关键路径可以帮助推导项目总工期;
The critical path can help to derive the project's total project duration; B 关键路径上,活动的工期无法压缩;
On the critical path the duration of the activity cannot be compressed; C 关键路径是浮动时间最少的路径;
The critical path is the path with the least float time; D 浮动时间可能出现负值。
The floating time may be negative.
The project resources had been overloaded but the project manager could not get more resources and there was still a certain amount of surplus in the project duration. What is the best thing for the project manager to do?——[单选题] A 将非关键路径改为关键路径;
Change the non-critical path to the critical path; B 快速跟进项目;
Fast-tracking the project; C 实施资源平衡;
Implementation of resource level; D 实施资源平滑。
Implementation of resource smooth. 正确答案:C
The project manager found that some activities on the critical path had been
delayed. Functional departments had no more resources available and because of the logical constraints between activities on the critical path fast-tracking method could not be used. What should the project manager do if the project must be delivered on time?——[单选题] A 实施资源平衡;
implement resource level; B 实施资源平滑;
implement resource smooth; C 没有办法,只能修改进度基准;
there is no way to modify the schedule line; D 在非关键路径上实施快速跟进。
implement fast-tracking on non-critical path. 正确答案:B
The start time of activity A and B is not limited and the duration is 2 weeks and
3 weeks respectively. \"A\" and \"B\" finish to start “C” \"C\" takes three weeks; Activity D requires 4 weeks but must begin after B is completed; Both C and D finished the project can be completed. Activity A is three weeks behind schedule because the resources are not available. This will result in:——[单选题] A 项目总工期延误3周;
The project duration is delayed by 3 weeks; B 项目总工期延误2周;
The project duration is delayed by 2 weeks; C 项目总工期延误1周;
The project duration is delayed by 1 week; D 项目总工期不变,但C活动浮动时间减少1周。
The project duration is unchanged but the floating time of activity C decreases by 1 week.
72、根据表格提供的信息,如果你需要将项目工期压缩1周,你首先应该压缩哪个活动?活动A活动历时5周,活动B活动历时4周,活动C的紧前活动是活动A,活动C历时3周,活动D的紧前活动A,B,活动D历时5周,活动E的紧前活动是活动C,D,活动E历时1周。 According to the information provided in the table if you need to compress the
project duration for one week which activity should you compress first?——[单选题] A 活动 A Activity A B 活动 B Activity B C 活动 D Activity D D 活动 E Activity E
At the project status report the project manager's CPM graph shows that the total floating time of two activities is negative and which one of the following conclusions can you draw from the analysis?——[单选题] A 这两项活动都在关键路径上;
Both activities are on the critical path; B 两项活动的最早开始时间都早于最晚开始时间;
The early start time of the two activities is earlier than the late finish time; C 两项活动的最晚结束时间都早于最晚开始时间;
The late finish time of the two activities is earlier than the late start time; D 因为活动有负浮动时间,所以项目进度比计划超前了。
Because of negative floating time the project progress is ahead of schedule. 正确答案:A
74、 关于管理储备,以下表述哪一项是正确的:
Which of the following statements about management reserve is true?——[单选题] A 管理储备包含在成本基准中;
Management reserve should be included in the cost line; B 管理储备包含在项目预算中;
Management reserve should be included in the project budget; C 管理储备由项目经理掌握;
Management reserve is controlled by the project manager; D 管理储备用于应对已知-未知风险。
Management reserve is used to deal with known-unknown risks. 正确答案:B
The standard deviation is the measurement:——[单选题] A 估算值与最高估算值的偏差
Deviation between the estimated value and the maximum estimation value. B 测量数据相对均值的离散程度
Measure the dispersion degree of relative mean of data. C 最大值和最小值之间的距离
The distance between maximum and minimum values D 测量值与标准之间的偏差
Deviation between measurement values and standards. 正确答案:B
Which of the following statements about earned value analysis is correct:——[单选题]
A 挣值也叫挣得值,是衡量项目实际挣得的利润;
EV means earned value, which is the actual profit earned by the project; B 挣值分析是用于项目完成时对项目绩效的评估;
Earned value analysis is used to evaluate project performance when the project is completed;
C 挣值分析同时综合考虑进度和成本两个因素来评价项目绩效;
Earned value analysis is to evaluate project performance in combination with both
schedule and cost.
D 挣值分析可以根据项目任何时间点的绩效精确预测项目完工时的绩效。
Earned value analysis can accurately predict project performance at completion based on performance at any time. 正确答案:C
77、 完工估算(EAC)是下面哪一项的定期评估:
Estimate at completion (EAC) is a periodic evaluation of:——[单选题] A 已完成工作的成本;
The cost of the completed work; B 已完成工作的价值;
The value of the work performed; C 预测项目完成时的总成本;
Total cost estimates when the project is completed; D 预测完成项目还将需要的成本;
Estimates of the costs that are still required from now to the completion of the project;
78、 一个工期10周,价值200万美元的项目,现在已过去4周,只完成了三分之一的工作,成本已花掉一半,项目当前状态是?
A project of 10 weeks, worth $ 2 million. In the past four weeks, only one third of the work has been completed, and the cost has already been halved. What is the current state of the project?——[单选题] A 进度超前,成本超支;
Ahead of schedule and cost overrun; B 进度超前,成本节约;
Ahead of schedule and cost saving; C 进度落后,成本节约;
Behind schedule and cost saving; D 进度落后,成本超支。
Behind schedule and cost overruns. 正确答案:D
79、如果挣值(EV)350,实际成本(AC)400,计划值(PV)300,那么成本偏差(CV)是? If earned value (EV) =350, actual cost (AC) =400, and planned value (PV) =300, what is cost variance (CV)?——[单选题] A 100 100
B -100 -100 C 50 50 D -50 -50
The project stage performance review, the project was originally planned to cost $1 million at this time, the actual cost is $1.1 million, which of the following conclusions can you draw?——[单选题]
A 成本偏差为-10万元,项目成本处于超支状态;
The CV is - $100,000, and the project cost is overspent; B 进度偏差为-10万元,项目进度处于落后状态;
The SV is - $100,000, and the project progress is in a backward state; C 成本绩效指数小于1,照此趋势项目完成时会超出总预算;
The CPI is less than 1, according to the trend of development, the project will exceed the budget;
D 信息不足,得不出以上任何结论。
Insufficient information to make any conclusions above. 正确答案:D
81、某个预算为200万美元的项目计划在第一年花掉100万美元。经过一年,实际成本为 120万美元美元。进过评估,工作完成了总计划的40%。项目主要相关方讨论决定就按当前项目绩效水平预测,那么完成项目还需要多少成本?
A project with budget of $2 million planned to spend $1 million in the first year. After a year, the actual cost of the project is $1.2 million. After the assessment, they completed 40% work of the total plan. The key stakeholders of the project decide use current project performance level. How much will it cost to complete the project yet?——[单选题] A 120万 美元 $1.2 million B 180万 美元 $1.8 million C 225万 美元 $2.25 million D 300万 美元 $3 million
You provide a project cost estimate for the project to the project sponsor. He is unhappy with the estimate, because he thinks the price should be lower. He asks you to cut 15% off the project estimate. What should you do? You provide a project cost estimate for the project to the project sponsor. He is unhappy with the
estimate, because he thinks the price should be lower. He asks you to cut 15% off the project estimate. What should you do?——[单选题] A 开始项目并持续寻找节约成本的办法;
Start the project and constantly look for cost savings. B 告诉你的团队让他们把各自的估算都砍掉百分之十五;
Tell all the team members to cut 15% from their estimates. C 建议发起人有些活动得砍掉;
Suggest the sponsor that some activities should be cut. D 什么都不用做,因为你预留了超过百分之十五的应急储备。
Don't do anything, because you've reserved more than 15 percent of emergency reserves.
83、 一个项目的进度绩效指数SPI为0.89,成本绩效指数CPI为0.91,下面哪一个是出现这种情况的最合理解释?
A project has a schedule performance index (SPI) of 0.89 and a cost performance index (CPI) of 0.91. Generally, what is the BEST explanation for why this occurred?——[单选题] A 范围发生了改变; The scope was changed.
B 一个供应商歇业了,得寻找一家新的;
A supplier is out of business and must find a new one. C 额外购买了需要的设备;
Additional purchase of required equipment;
D 关键路径上的活动延迟了,被迫投入更多人手去完成。
The activity on the critical path is delayed, and more resources must be put into it.
A project with a budget at completion (BAC) of $5 million has already completed 40 percent of the work, and it has already cost $2.5 million. The company stipulates that the ratio of the budget at completion (BAC) and the cost performance index (CPI) is used to predict the estimate at completion (EAC). Which of the following are the correct variance at completion (VAC) To-complete performance index (TCPI)?——[单选题]
A 完工偏差125万美元,完工尚需绩效指数0.8 VAC $1.25 million, TCPI 0.8
B 完工偏差-125万美元,完工尚需绩效指数0.8 VAC -$1.25 million, TCPI 0.8
C 完工偏差125万美元,完工尚需绩效指数1.2 VAC $1.25 million, TCPI 1.2
D 完工偏差-150万美元,完工尚需绩效指数1.2 VAC -$1.5 million, TCPI 1.2 正确答案:B
85、 过程改进通常是在哪个过程中?
Which process is usually involved in process improvement?——[单选题] A 规划质量管理
plan quality management. B 管理质量 manage quality C 控制质量
control quality D 检查质量 check quality 正确答案:B
All the following are examples of the cost of nonconformance EXCEPT:——[单选题] A 返工 rework B 培训 training C 报废 scrap D 保修 warranty
A control chart shows seven data points in a row on one side of the mean. What should we do?——[单选题] A 删除这组数据;
Delete this set of data;
B 调整控制图,画出新的平均线;
Adjust the control diagram to draw a new mean line; C 找到根本原因; Find the root cause; D 啥也不用做,正常现象。
Nothing to do, normal phenomenon. 正确答案:C
The project team has discovered that causes of the product defects can be
summarize to five, and each cause has a different number of defects. Which tool can help the project manager to determine the priorities of these causes to deal with?——[单选题] A 帕累托图 Pareto chart B 鱼骨图
Fishbone diagram C 直方图 Histogram D 散点图
Scatter diagram 正确答案:A
A company produces 1kg/ bag of coffee. During the quality management-planning phase, the project manager found that the standard deviation of the package
machine was 1 gram. Which group of control restrictions should the control diagram use?——[单选题] A 1,000-1,006 克 1,000-1,006 grams
B 994-1,006 克 994-1,006 grams C 996-1,004 克 996-1,004 grams D 997-1,003 克 997-1,003 grams 正确答案:D
90、项目经理希望将质量管理技术引进到项目中。下列哪一项可以作为持续质量改进的基础? The project manager wants to introduce quality management techniques to the project. Which of the following can be used as the basis for continuous quality improvement?——[单选题] A 参数估算
Parametric estimating B 计划-实施-检查-行动循环 Plan-do-check-act cycle C 标杆对照 Benchmarking D 成本效益分析
Cost-benefit analysis 正确答案:B
Some members of the project X team also undertake the work of project Y at the same time. Which of the following items should be used for estimating activities of project X?——[单选题]
A 历时上其它项目中类似活动的历时;
The duration of similar activities in other projects in the past; B 项目Y的进度计划; schedule of project Y; C 资源日历;
resource calendar;
D 成员所在职能部门经理的意见。
comments from the functional managers of the members. 正确答案:C
92、 下面都是项目经理职位带来的权力,除了:
All the following are forms of power derived from the project manager’s position
EXCEPT:——[单选题] A 正式 Formal B 奖励 Reward C 惩罚 Penalty D 专家 Expert
A new member of the project team is difficult to communicate with the project manager and other team members because he can't know the network diagram, the
critical path and the floating time. How should the problem be solved?——[单选题] A 新成员所在的职能部门经理有责任提供针对性培训;
The functional department manager of the new member is responsible for providing targeted training;
B 项目经理有责任为新成员提供针对性培训;
Project manager is responsible for providing targeted training to the new member; C 公司人力资源部有责任为新成员提供针对性培训;
The human resources department of the company is responsible for providing targeted training to the new member; D 要求新成员自学项目管理以满足工作需要。
The new member should be required to self-study project management to meet the needs of work. 正确答案:B
Which of the following conflict resolution technologies is not easy to implement, but will always bring the most satisfying results?——[单选题] A 强制 Forcing B 缓和 Smoothing C 妥协 Compromise D 解决
Problem solving
Project performance appraisals are different from team performance assessment in that project performance appraisals focus on:——[单选题] A 团队成员个人在项目中的绩效表现;
How an individual team member is performing on the project. B 项目团队效率评价;
An evaluation of the project team’s effectiveness. C 团队建设工作;
A team-building effort. D 降低员工流动率。
Reducing the staff turnover rate. 正确答案:A
Which document should the project manager write about meeting discipline and voting rules of the project team?——[单选题] A 项目章程
project charter B 团队章程 team charter C 沟通管理计划
communication management plan D 相关方参与计划
stakeholder engagement plan 正确答案:B
The project manager observed that some project team members began to adjust their work habits to accommodate other members. But they still lack trust. Which of the following conclusions can the project manager draw?——[单选题] A 团队处于规范阶段,很有可能进入到成熟阶段
The team is in the norming stage and is likely to enter the mature stage. B 团队处于规范阶段,很有可能退回到震荡阶段
The team is in the norming stage and is likely to return to the storming stage. C 团队处于震荡阶段,很有可能进入到规范阶段
The team is in the storming stage and it is likely to enter the norming stage.
D 团队处于震荡阶段,很有可能退回到形成阶段
The team is in the storming stage and is likely to return to the forming stage. 正确答案:B
98、在一个大型项目快结束时,紧张状态上升,团队成员之间冲突越来越频繁。冲突的焦点是因为两个有宿怨的成员彼此敌对,团队的注意力已经脱离了项目的目标。为了恢复秩序,项目经理打发掉两名团队成员,让其他人代替他们。项目经理使用的是哪种冲突解决策略? At the end of a large project, tensions rise and conflicts between team members become more frequent. The focus of the conflict is because two feuding members are hostile to each other, and the team's attention has been distracted from the
project's goals. To restore order, the project manager removed the work of the two members in advance and let others replace them. What kind of conflict resolution strategy does the project manager use?——[单选题] A 强制 Forcing B 回避 Avoiding C 妥协
Compromising D 解决 Solving
The project scope is well defined and the project team has performed this type of work before. The schedule performance index is 0.7. After investigating the deviation, the project manager realizes that one of the team members, working onsite is being asked by the project sponsor to perform extra activities believed important to the project. Which action should the project manager take to avoid situations?——[单选题]
A 改进项目沟通,确保所有需求都得到满足;
Improve project communications, making sure all needs are being satisfied. B 根据新的需求对项目范围进行变更;
Make changes to the project’s scope based on the new demands. C 向这位同事明确说停止范围蔓延;
Give a clear statement to the coworker do discontinue the scope creep. D 对于必须的变更,与变更控制委员会沟通。
Communicate that changes must be done through the change control board.
Which of the following ways can help motivate team members to maximize their potential and leverage their initiative?——[单选题] A 集中办公 War-room B 虚拟团队 virtual team C 自组织团队
self-organizing team D 强矩阵
strong matrix 正确答案:C
During the project planning phase, the project manager realized that a project stakeholder had a disagreement about the understanding of the deliverables, resulting in a tension between the project manager and the stakeholder. What should the project manager do to solve this problem?——[单选题] A 忽略该项目相关方的意见,根据多数相关方的理解确定项目范围;
ignore the opinions of this stakeholder and define the project scope according to the understanding of majority;
B 安排与这位相关方的会谈,了解造成分歧的原因并积极解决分歧;
Arrange meeting with the stakeholder to get the reason of the understanding differences and actively address them;
C 将该问题上报给项目发起人,让他们解决这个问题;
Escalate the issue to the project sponsor so that they can solve the problem; D 让权力更大的其他相关方出面说服这位相关方做出妥协。
Ask other stakeholders with greater power to convince this stakeholder to compromise. 正确答案:B
102、 交期临近但项目进度落后,马上面临圣诞节长假,项目经理需要在让所有团队成员放弃假期支付加班补偿和延期交付项目承担罚款之间做出选择,他需要用以下哪一个分析技术? The delivery time is near but the project is behind schedule. Facing with the Christmas holidays, the project manager needs to choose between asking all team members to give up their holidays with overtime compensation and delay the
delivery of the project and bear the penalty. Which of the following analytical techniques does he need?——[单选题] A 储备分析
Reserve analysis B 挣值分析
Earned value analysis C 备选方案分析
Alternative analysis. D 成本效益分析
Cost-benefit analysis. 正确答案:C
Communication is key to the success of a project. As the project manager, you had three stakeholders with whom you needed to communicate. A new stakeholder has been added with whom you also need to communicate. How many communication channels have been added?——[单选题] A 3 3 B 4 4 C 6 6 D 10 10
In an implementation project, the development phase has been outsourced to an off-shore team. During the execution of the project, the off-shore team states that vital information to proceed in the development is missing. However, the on-shore design team has stated that all design documents have been provided. What could most likely be the cause of this situation?——[单选题] A 未正确创建沟通管理计划
failed to create communication management plan correctly. B 未正确创建相关方参与计划
failed to create stakeholders’ engagement plan correctly.
C 项目经理缺乏沟通技巧
the project manager lacks communication skills. D 未正确创建风险管理计划
failed to create the risk management plan correctly. 正确答案:A
105、 在监督和控制风险时,项目经理看过月度项目绩效报告后,发现需要实施应急计划,项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
When monitoring and controlling risks, the project manager has seen the monthly project performance report and found that the contingency plan needs to be implemented. What should the project manager do next?——[单选题] A 更新项目进度计划和预算,以配合应急计划的实施;
Update the project schedule and budget to coincide with the implementation of the contingency plan;
B 提出变更请求,在应急计划实施前获得批准;
Make a change request and get approval before the implementation of the contingency plan;
C 记录因实施应急计划而获得的经验教训;
Record the lessons learned from the implementation of the contingency plan; D 将实施应急计划的信息通知所有相关方。
Inform all stakeholders about the implementation of the contingency plan. 正确答案:B
106、 项目经理在海外某国实施一个技术涉密的项目,该国发生了暴乱,尽管项目经理启动了应急响应机制,升级了安保措施,但武装分子不断冲击项目现场。在来不及获得批准的情况下,项目经理下令销毁了项目机密数据,并立即组织人员撤离。这属于风险应对的哪一种? The project manager is carrying out a project involving technical secrets in a foreign country. The country has had a riot, and the project manager has launched an emergency response mechanism to upgrade security standards, but the militants continue to hit the site. In no time to get approval, project manager ordered the destruction of the confidential data, and organize personnel to evacuate immediately. Which of these is the risk response?——[单选题] A 应急计划
contingency plan B 弹回计划 fallback plan C 权变措施
workaround response D 减轻风险
risk mitigation
The client asked the project manager to release the system one month in advance. Project manager and team evaluated the influence, and then puts forward two change requests, one is to subcontract sub-project M to a professional external team
which his team is not good at, the other, removing function X which is uncertainty and needs innovative research from the project scope, and transfer it to the development team directly lead by technical director. What is the risk response strategy for the project manager?——[单选题] A 转移、上报
transfer and report. B 转移、减轻
transfer and mitigation. C 转移、规避
transfer and avoid. D 规避、上报
avoid and report. 正确答案:C
108、影响评分(如图):项目团队识别出若干风险发生的概率和每个风险对成本、进度的潜在影响。这些信息已在表中显示出来,对项目而言,进度和成本的权重比为4:1。那么评级最高的风险是哪一个?风险A的概率是75%,对进度的影响是2,对成本的影响是2,风险B的概率是50%,对进度的影响是3,对成本的影响是5,风险C的概率是75%,对进度的影响是2,对成本的影响是4,风险D的概率是50%,对进度的影响是4,对成本的影响是3. Impact scores: A project team identifies 4 risks and assesses probability of occurrence and potential impact on cost and schedule for each risk. This
information is presented in the table shown. If the importance of cost ives is 4 times to project schedule. Which is the most critical risk for the project?——[单选题] A 风险 A Risk A B 风险 B Risk B C 风险 C Risk C D 风险 D
Risk D
109、 项目经理正在为项目准备两个备选方案,方案1成功的概率80%,如果成功可以为项目节省100万美元,但是失败了的话要增加100万美元的成本;方案2成功的概率50%,成功的话可以节省200万美元,失败会增加100万美元的成本。那么项目经理应该推荐哪个方案?理由是?
The project manager is comparing two solutions for the project. The probability of success is 80% for solution 1. If it works it could save $1 million for the project but if it doesn't work it's going to cost you a million dollars on the project. Solution 2 has 50% probability of success success can save $2 million failure would increase the cost of $1 million. So which solution should the project manager recommend? What is the reason?——[单选题] A 方案1 因为预期货币价值EMV比方案2多10万
Solution 1 because the EMV of solution1 is $100000 more than the EMV of solution 2. B 方案2 因为成功的话比方案1多节省100万
Solution 2 because it can save a million more than the solution1. C 方案1 因为成功的概率比方案2高30%
Solution 1 because its probability of success is 30% higher than that of solution 2.
D 方案2 因为预期货币价值EMV比方案1多20万
solution 2 because the EMV of solution2 is $200000 more than the EMV of solution 1. 正确答案:A
110、 在项目预算评审会上,项目经理说以目前的预算可以完成项目的把握是75%,并解释了这是由多种风险综合影响的结果。发起人问如果将完成的概率提高到85%,需要追加多少预算?项目经理要想回答这个问题,需要用到下面哪一种技术?
At the project budget review meeting, the project manager said that with current budget the project could be completed at probability of 75% and explained that this was the result of a combination of risks. The sponsor asked how much
additional budget would be required if the probability of completion increased to 85%? Which of the following techniques is needed to answer this question?——[单选题]
A 敏感性分析
Sensitivity analysis B 决策树分析
Decision tree analysis. C 趋势分析 Trend analysis D 蒙特卡洛分析
Monte Carlo analysis. 正确答案:D
In the process of project procurement, one of the suppliers offers very low price. But according to internal experts, the price is unrealistic for continued cooperation. What should the project manager do next?——[单选题] A 让供应商重新评估需求后重新报价,并提供详细的成本结构信息;
Ask the supplier re-quote after re-evaluate the demand and provide detailed cost structure information;
B 更新经验教训登记册,并让采购部门抓紧签订合同;
Update the register of lessons learned and let the purchasing department sign the contract immediately;
C 在合同中增加处罚条款,确保供应商履行义务;
Add penalty clauses to the contract to ensure that suppliers perform their obligations;
D 发起一个变更请求,相应地更改成本基准。
Initiate a change request and change the cost baseline accordingly. 正确答案:A
During the procurement planning process, the sponsor indicates that the project manager must create a procurement plan with the least risk. Which of the following contract types demonstrates the least risk for the buyer?——[单选题] A 总价加激励费合同
fixed price incentive fee contract(FPIF) B 固定总价合同
firm fixed price contract(FFP) C 成本加奖励费合同
cost plus award fee contract(CPAF) D 工料合同
time and material contract(T&M) 正确答案:B
A raw material purchase of the project will be signed with the supplier for a 10-year continuous supply contract. The project sponsor provided the project manager with a template of firm fixed price contract. Many suppliers have been slow to respond to concerns about market price volatility beyond their capacity. Which type of contract should the project manager recommend?——[单选题] A 成本加激励费合同
cost plus incentive-fee contract(CPIF) B 总价加经济价格调整合同
fixed price with economic price adjustment contracts(FP-EPA) C 成本加固定费合同
time and material contract(T&M) D 总价加激励费合同
fixed price incentive fee contract(FPIF) 正确答案:B
Under a certain contract, a list of allowable costs is established for supplier reimbursement. And the contract specifies that if the supplier can deliver in advance, the buyer will pay an extra 1% of the cost per day in advance. What type of contract does the contract with the supplier belong to?——[单选题] A 总价加激励费用合同
fixed price incentive fee contract(FPIF) B 成本加激励费用合同
cost plus incentive-fee contract(CPIF) C 成本加奖励费合同
cost plus award fee contract(CPAF) D 成本加成本百分比合同
cost plus percentage of cost fee(CPPC) 正确答案:B
The buyer and seller bargain on a fixed price plus incentive fee contract, the aim cost of the contract is 2 million dollars, the aim fee is 0.5 million dollars. The contract specifies that the celling price is 2.8 million dollars, the sharing ratio is 80/30, if the seller accomplished the fact cost is 2.5 million dollars, how much should the buyer pay for the seller totally?——[单选题] A 240万美元
$ 2.4 million B 280万美元 $ 2.8 million C 290万美元 $ 2.9 million D 300万美元 $ 3 million 正确答案:B
116、当前项目的进度绩效指数SPI为0.7。为了满足进度要求,团队经过评估决定将项目的一部分工作外包给外部制造商。在签订合同之前,项目经理需要完成以下哪些工作? The project schedule performance index SPI is 0.7 currently. To meet the requirements of schedule, project team assessed the situation and decided to outsource part of the project to external manufacturers. What does the project manager need to do before signing a contract?——[单选题] A 变更程序、投标人会议、独立估算和采购谈判;
change procedures, bidder conferences, independent cost estimates and procurement negotiations.
B 自制外购分析、独立估算、投标人会议和关键路径分析;
make or buy decision, independent cost estimates, bidder conferences and critical path analysis.
C 采购谈判,独立估算、采购审计和挣值分析;
procurement negotiation, independent cost estimates, procurement audits and earned value analysis.
D 自制外购分析、变更程序、建议邀请书(RFP)、采购绩效审查。
make or buy decision, change procedures, request of proposal (RFP), procurement performance reviews. 正确答案:A
117、 项目经理正在按照工料合同为客户做项目。团队做了挣值分析,确认该项目可以提前完工,而且少于原始的预算。不过项目经理所在的公司与技术分包公司签属的是固定总价合同。这意味着项目经理所在公司利润将会减少,根据项目利润项目经理的奖金也会比预计的少。项目经理应该怎么办?
A project manager is developing a project for a client working on a time-and-material contract. They have performed an earned value analysis and verified that the project can be completed earlier and under the original estimated budget. However, the company that the project manager is working with has a firm-fixed-price contract with the technical subcontractor. This means that the project manager's company's profits will be reduced and the project manager's bonus will be less than expected. What should the project manager do?——[单选题]
A 通知客户,现在加进来一些原先删除的需求;
inform the client that they can now add some original requirements have been deleted;
B 告诉技术分包公司放慢速度让项目可以实现预计的利润;
Tell the technology subcontracting company to slow down so that the project can realize the expected profit;
C 告诉客户项目可以提前完成并节约成本;
Tell the client that the project can be completed in advance and save cost; D 提高测试标准、增加测试投入,以符合原始的项目预算。
Upgrade test standards and increase test inputs to meet the original project budget.
While creating the project charter, a key stakeholder does not offer any input. The project manager repeatedly asks the stakeholder to provide the necessary input to complete the high-level requirements. Despite the project manager’s efforts, the situation does not improve. What should the project manager do next?——[单选题]
A 将该相关方从相关方列表中删除
Remove the stakeholder from the stakeholder list. B 与项目团队假定相关方需求
Assume the requirements of this stakeholder together with project team. C 将意见缺失作为项目风险,添加到主要风险描述中
Add the missing input as a risk to the high-level risk description. D 将该问题上报给项目发起人
Escalate the issue to the project sponsor. 正确答案:C
The project manager is responsible for a project of client's internal management information system. Contract with the client has been signed and the project charter has been confirmed. However, in the process of carrying out the project, project manager repeatedly encountered various kinds of incoordination and even obstructions from different levels of different departments within the client company. Which of the following data analysis can be used to avoid this?——[单选
A 相关方分析
stakeholder analysis. B 需求分析
requirements analysis C 假设条件和制约因素分析
assumption and constraint analysis. D 文件分析 file analysis 正确答案:A
The project manager has identified many stakeholders in a new project, but the power, urgency, and legitimacy of each stakeholder is different. Which of the following tools should the project manager use to determine the priority to which stakeholders should be concerned to determine appropriate stakeholder management strategies?——[单选题] A 相关方参与度评估矩阵
Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix B 权力/利益方格 Power/interest grid C 相关方立方体 Stakeholder cube D 凸显模型 Salience model 正确答案:D