
Video data processing method and apparatus

2024-03-09 来源:东饰资讯网

专利名称:Video data processing method and


发明人:Fei Peng,Xuqiang Ren申请号:US14943784申请日:20151117公开号:US09860575B2公开日:20180102


摘要:A video data processing method. The method includes: acquiring a multipleprogram transport stream identifier of each TS packet; acquiring, a single programtransport stream identifier of each TS packet; creating at least one scheduling queue for

the at least one TS packet according to the single program transport stream identifier inthe first information mapping table; selecting any scheduling queue, and determining afirst TS packet of the any scheduling queue meets a scheduling condition, selecting atleast one output channel to output the any scheduling queue, and continuing to performdetermining on a first TS packet of another scheduling queue until determining on allscheduling queues is completed. The present disclosure is applied to transmission ofvideo data.

申请人:Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

地址:Shenzhen CN


