
Method of fabricating silicon structures including

2021-08-22 来源:东饰资讯网

专利名称:Method of fabricating silicon structures

including fixtures for supporting wafers

发明人:James E. Boyle,Robert L. Davis,Laurence D.

Delaney,Raanan Y. Zehavi



摘要:A method of fabricating the parts and assembling them into a complexstructure, such as a silicon tower or boat for removably supporting a plurality of silicon

wafers during thermal processing. A preferred embodiment of the tower includes fourlegs secured on their ends to two bases. A plurality of slots are cut in the legs allowingslidable insertion of the wafers and support for them. The legs preferably have arounded wedge shape with a curved front surface of small radius cut with the slots and aback surface that is either flat or curved with a substantially larger radius. Preferably, thelegs are machined from virgin polysilicon formed by chemical vapor deposition fromsilane. The bases may be either virgin poly or monocrystalline silicon and be eitherintegral or composed of multiple parts. Virgin polysilicon is preferably annealed to above1025° C. before machining. Silicon parts may be joined by applying a spin-on glassbetween the parts and annealing the assembly. After assembly, the surface of a tower issubjected to sub-surface working.


代理人:Charles S. Guenzer

