专利名称:Selection of sponsored content using
multiple sets of query terms
发明人:Navneet Loiwal,James McFadden申请号:US12360735申请日:20090127公开号:US08972411B1公开日:20150303
摘要:Multiple sets of words and phrases can be used as query terms for accessingsponsored content. Sponsored content is associated with item terms. The query termsare matched with the item terms. The result of the matching operation is a numerical
score for each item of sponsored content that can be used to select sponsored content.Conditions present across the set of matched terms are detected. Such conditions caninclude the occurrence of a matched query term in multiple sets of query terms. Thiscondition can be addressed by determining a number of unique matching query termsacross all sets of query terms. The score given to an item of sponsored content can beadjusted if such a condition occurs. For example, the score could be adjusted according toa function of the number of unique matching query terms across all sets of query terms.If the number of matching query terms across all sets of query terms is low, such as oneor two, then the function can define a penalty to be applied to the score given to theitem of sponsored content. If the number of matching query terms across all sets ofquery terms is higher, such as three or more, then the function can define an adjustmentto be applied to the score given to the item of sponsored content.
申请人:Navneet Loiwal,James McFadden
地址:Sunnyvale CA US,Mountain View CA US
代理机构:Fish & Richardson P.C.