
Never say no to the thing you do


People are always strange, they always don't believe themselves ,before doing sth, they always set a limit for themselves . So am I .

I have a doctor to treat my spots. I think he is a strict doctor and doesn't talk much. Due to some reason, I want him to send me the medicine so I don't need to his clinic! At first , I am a bit afraid to dial him! I think he will not send me and if I dial him maybe he will scold me! But I don't have time to pick the medicine by myself! My mom found me so afflictive,she told me why didn't have a try. You didn't try anything, how can you know the result.

With nervousness, I dialed him finally! To my surprise, he didn't scold me , rather he was patient with my request!

Later, I have to admit it really teaches me a lot! I always feel anxious and give bad results before everything which stops me from doing things! Anxiety often stops me! When men doing things, we shouldn't always set limit first or we will do nothing at last!
