2018年度的“100本值得关注的书”(100 Notable Books of 2018)上榜非虚构类作品书单
1.《阿里传》(Ali: A Life)
2.《美国对话:国父与我们》(American Dialogue:The Founders and Us)
3.《美国伊甸园:大卫•霍萨克以及美国首个植物园中的植物学和医学》(American Eden: David Hosack, Botany and Medicine in the Garden of the Early Republic)
4.《美国监狱:一个记者对惩戒生意的卧底调查》(American Prison: A Reporter's Undercover Journey into the Business of Punishment)
5.《友好与繁荣:一个家庭和美国的分裂》(Amity and Prosperity: One Family and the Fracturing of America)
6.《亚瑟•阿什传》(Arthur Ashe: A Life)
7.《坏血:硅谷创业中的秘密和谎言》(Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup)
8.《繁荣之城:俄克拉荷马城的传奇故事》(Boom Town: The Fantastical Saga of Oklahoma City, Its Chaotic Founding, Its Apocalyptic Weather, Its Purloined Basketball Team, and the Dream of Becoming a World-Class Metropolis)
9.《战火中的兄弟:叙利亚战争回忆录》(Brothers of the Gun: A Memoir of the Syrian War)
11.《丘吉尔:与命运一同漫步》(Churchill: Walking With Destiny)
12.《被娇惯的美国头脑:美好的意图和糟糕的主意是如何导致失败的一代的》(The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure)
13.《生存的代价:一部活的自传》(The Cost of Living: A Working Autobiography)
14.《崩溃:十年的金融危机是如何改变世界的》(Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World)
15.《渐暗的时代:基督教对古典世界的毁灭》(The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World)
16.《死亡的女孩:反抗美国女性死亡沉迷的文集》(Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession)
17. 《恐龙艺术家:沉迷、背叛以及对地球上终极奖品的探寻》(The Dinosaur Artist: Obsession, Betrayal, and the Quest for Earth’s Ultimate Trophy)
18. 《毒患:药代、医生以及让美国上瘾的药物公司》(Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company That Addicted America)
19.《教育改变人生》(Educated: A Memoir)
20.《今日启蒙:关于理性、科学、人道主义和进步》(Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress)
21. 《致命的冲突:伊拉斯谟、路德以及为西方智慧而战》(Fatal Discord: Erasmus, Luther and the Fight for the Western Mind)
22.《放松:一部文集》(Feel Free: Essays)
23.《血腥之地:美国国会中的暴力和通往内战之路》(The Field of Blood: Violence in Congress and the Road to Civil War)
24.《第五危机》(The Fifth Risk)
25.《飞行女孩:五名勇敢女性对逆境的反抗和她们创造的飞行历史》(Fly Girls: How Five Daring Women Defied All Odds and Made Aviation History)
26.《弗雷德里克•道格拉斯:自由先知》(Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom)
27.《甘地:改变世界的年月,1941-1948》(Gandhi: The Years That Changed the World, 1914-1948)
28.《天佑得克萨斯:一段孤星州的灵魂之旅》(God Save Texas: A Journey Into the Soul of the Lone Star State)
29.《重压:一个美国人的回忆录》(Heavy: An American Memoir )
30.《如何改变你的头脑:关于意识、死亡、成瘾、抑郁和超凡,新的迷幻药物科学告诉了我们什么》(How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence)
31.《人生片段》(In Pieces)
32.《驶入怒海:33名海员,一场超级风暴,和“艾尔•法罗号”的沉没》(Into the Raging Sea: Thirty-Three Mariners, One Megastorm, and the Sinking of El Faro)
33.《一本关于图书馆的书》(The Library Book)
34.《寻找洛兰:洛兰•汉斯贝瑞闪亮而激进的一生》(Looking for Lorraine: The Radiant and Radical Life of Lorraine Hansberry)
35.《九十九瞥玛格丽特公主》(Ninety-Nine Glimpses of Princess Margaret)
36.《火中无灰烬:美国黑色和自由时代的来临》(No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America)
37.《无法回头:战时叙利亚的生活、损失和希望》(No Turning Back: Life, Loss, and Hope in Wartime Syria)
38.《头号爱国者:唐人街的美国梦》(Patriot Number One: American Dreams in Chinatown)
39.《毒物小队:一位化学家是如何一心一意改变20世纪初的食品安全的》(The Poison Squad: One Chemist’s Single-Minded Crusade for Food Safety at the Turn of the Twentieth Century)
40.《先下手杀:以色列的定点暗杀史》(Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations)
41.《她笑起来像她妈妈:遗传的力量,误用和潜力》(She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity)
42.《小鱼小虾》(Small Fry)
43.《亚裔的心灵:一部文集》(The Souls of Yellow Folk: Essays)
44.《交错之树:一部激进的新生命史》(The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History of Life)
45.《这里不会有奇迹:一部回忆录》(There Will Be No Miracles Here: A Memoir)
46.《这些事实:一部美国史》(These Truths: A History of the United States)
47.《我们这些公司:美国公司是如何赢得他们的民权的》(We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights)
48.《眼所未见:一个美国城市中危机、抵抗和希望的故事》(What the Eyes Don’t See: A Story of Crisis, Resistance, and Hope in an American City)
49.《为什么是漫画?:从地下到无处不在》(Why Comics?: From Underground to Everywhere)
50.《胜者全拿:改变世界的精英》(Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World)