造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Such environments provide “anonymity along with a lack of social recourse,” notes, a venture capitalist at trinity Ventures in California's Silicon Valley.(加洲硅谷trinityVentures的风险投资人GusTai注意到这些的环境提供了“由于匿名而无法进行社会追踪”。)
2、The children were baptized by Obama's pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Rev. Wright also officiated at Obama's marriage.(奥巴马由芝加哥三一联合教会教堂牧师耶利米.赖特施以洗礼赖特牧师也是他的主婚人。)
3、“The prime space always goes to local players, ” says Sunny Wong, the boss of Lifung trinity, a retailer.(“最好的地点通常都会给当地竞争者”,利邦男装的老板,零售商王光(音译)提到。)
4、He studied for his bachelor degree at the University of Calgary and went on to study for a master degree and a PHD in trinity College, University of Dublin.(他在卡尔加里大学取得学士学位以后,前往都柏林大学圣三一学院求学,先后获得了硕士和博士学位。)
5、trinity Mirror has announced an internal review of standards, but this will not delve into the past.(三一镜报宣布对内部标准进行检查,但是不会对过去寻根究底。)
6、the trinity school seniors discovered 95 different species of animal and 11 cases of fraudulent food labeling.(三一中学的这两位高年级学生在其中鉴别出了95种不同的动物种类,以及11项食品标签造假行为。)
7、It is now part of the trinity Mirror group. It moved to weekly publication in 2009 with a circulation of more than 10 thousand.(该报现隶属三一镜报集团,2009年改为周刊,发行量逾万份。)
8、The holy (or unholy) trinity of chick flicks, these three movies together almost add up to one decent film. Almost.(女性电影的神圣(或邪恶)组合,这三部电影几乎足以构成一部上佳的影片。)
9、Besides receiving the trinity Cross, Trinidad's highest honor, Lara was also given real estate.(拉腊不仅获得了特立尼达岛的最高荣誉十字勋章,同时还获得了房产作为奖励。)
10、Newton could not be Master of trinity because he was a Unitarian and so not in Holy Orders.(牛顿不能做三一学院的教师,因为作为一名一神论者,他不能被授予神职。)
11、In the past five years trinity School sent 41% of its graduates to the Ivies, MIT or Stanford.(在过去的5年内,Trinty预科学校已经把41%的毕业生送进了这些长青藤大学,麻省理工大学或斯坦福大学。)
12、Kylie Moffat (right) watches the coffin of her husband Corporal Thomas Mason, carried from trinity Parish Church on November 5, 2009 in Cowdenbeath, Scotland.(2009年11月5日,苏格兰考登·比斯·凯莉·莫法特(右)注视着她的丈夫托马斯·梅森下士的棺木从圣三一教堂抬出。)
13、Very early in life Newton abandoned orthodox belief in the trinity.(在很早期的生活中,在三一学院的牛顿就抛弃了正统的信仰。)
14、At the church of the trinity in Cherbourg on Christmas Day, 1892, he had his debut as a composer with the performance of his andante for string trio and organ.(1892年圣诞节那天,在瑟堡的三一教堂,他首次以作曲家身份演出弦乐三重奏和管风琴的行板。)
15、Sometimes a professor of Oriental Languages at trinity College, a Persian, came to our Society and talked of the magicians of the East.(有时,三一学院一位教东方语言的波斯教授会来到我们学会,跟我们讲东方魔术师的故事。)
16、In October 1992, as the project wound up, Obama and Michelle married at Jeremiah Wright's trinity United Church of Christ.(1992年10月,他的项目蒸蒸日上之时,Obama和Michelle在JeremiahWright的三一联合基督教会举行了婚礼。)
17、Our record of these is almost wholly confined to the papers which he kept and put in his box when he left trinity for London.(我们有关这些的记录几乎全部局限于当他离开三一学院去伦敦时保存并放在他那个盒子中的文献。)
18、In 1923, he moved on to trinity College Dublin.(1923年,他升入了都柏林三一学院。)
19、Sunday night, I go to Remaining men Together and the basement of trinity Episcopal is almost empty.(星期天晚上,我去了“男人联盟”互助小组,特里尼蒂圣公会教堂地下室里空荡荡的。)
20、Here in trinity it is right that I should give you an account of how he lived amongst you during these years of his greatest achievement.(正是在三一学院这儿,我将对你们阐述他如何在你们中间生活,如何在这些年中取得他的最伟大的成就。)
21、Or was Carradine No. 3 in a previous trinity of death?(或者卡拉丁是前一个“成三”事件的3号?)
22、The Reverend was on his way to fly to Dallas to tape an interview with trinity Broadcasting about his NDE when he had a final heart attack and God called him Home.(在他飞往达拉斯三一广播电台录音制他的濒死经历的途中,心脏病复发,蒙上帝恩召,回归天家。)
23、He and colleagues at trinity and Aberystwyth are working on a solution to that problem now.(他和他在英国圣三一大学和阿伯特大学的同事们正在为解决这个难题努力。)
24、Let us listen to the choir of trinity Church in Boston sing "Carol of the Bells."(让我们一起来听听波士顿三人组教堂唱诗班演唱的这首《CaroloftheBells》(《欢乐的铃声》)。)
25、Jo Hellawell of trinity College, Dublin, and her colleagues in the Organic Geochemistry Unit at Bristol University think that they have solved the mystery.(都柏林大学三一学院的乔?赫拉维尔和她在布里斯托大学有机地球化学单元的同事,认为他们已经揭开了谜底。)
26、Some rumours there were, but not at the dangerous dates when he was a young Fellow of trinity.(有一些谣传,但不是在他作为三一学院年轻成员的危险时期。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。