

2022-05-04 来源:东饰资讯网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The Ogallala aquifer is a sandstone formation that underlies some 583,000 square kilometers of land extending from northwestern Texas to southern South Dakota.(奥加拉拉含水层是一个砂岩地层,位于从德克萨斯州西北部延伸到南达科他州南部,约583000平方公里土地的地下。)

2、Extraction of water depends on two properties of the aquifer: porosity and permeability.(水的开采取决于含水层的两个性质:孔隙度和渗透性。)

3、Two million years ago, a cave-studded aquifer lay beneath an undulating plain of shallow, wooded valleys and rolling hills.(200万年前,在树木丛生的谷地和波状丘陵地带的起伏平原之下,是洞穴密布的地下蓄水层。)

4、This aquifer was named the Ogallala aquifer after the Ogallala Sioux Indians, who once inhabited the region.(这个含水层被命名为奥加拉拉含水层,以曾经居住在这个地区的奥加拉拉-苏族印第安人的名字命名。)

5、A groundwater reservoir from which water can be extracted is called an aquifer.(可以从中抽取水的地下蓄水层被称为含水层。)

6、But switch the source to a river or an aquifer, and the cost of a cubic meter of water can plummet to 10 to 20 cents, and farmers often pay far less.(如果从河流或地下取水,每立方米的成本可大幅降至10至20美分,农业用水的成本甚至更低。)

7、The aquifer which had once fed the wells was pronounced dry.(曾经给这些井提供水源的蓄水层已被宣告枯竭。)

8、The Ogallala aquifer is a major source of drinking and irrigation water for America's central plains.(奥加拉拉蓄水层是美国中部平原饮用和灌溉用水的主要来源。)

9、Geologists eventually realized that the cause was Houston's withdrawal of fresh water from the aquifer located under the city.(地质学家最终认识到导致海平面上升的原因是,休斯顿从城市地下的含水土层抽取淡水。)

10、This discovery forced city officials to use nearby Lake Houston and Lake Conroe for municipal water instead of the aquifer.(这项发现迫使城市官方用邻近的休斯顿湖和康罗湖代替含水土层,成为该市主要水源。)

11、Tapping the drought-prone region's aquifer for nonessential uses diverts water from farmers who need it desperately.(在这个干旱区域,这些没有用在刀刃上的水正是那些农民极度渴望的。)

12、Afew hundred million gallons of water will also be pumped out of the local aquifer each year.(每年将有几个亿加仑的水从当地的地下蓄水层抽取上来。)

13、But it is running out of water, with farmers driving Wells deeper and deeper into the underlying aquifer.(但是那里水资源正日趋枯竭,农民的井越挖越深,已经到了地下蓄水层。)

14、The situation is most critical in Texas, where the climate is driest, the greatest amount of water is being pumped, and the aquifer contains the least water.(这种情况在德州最为严重,那里气候最干燥,抽水量最大,含水层含水最少。)

15、The machine that promises to break bedrock into the aquifer seemingly can't.(钻进机据说能钻破岩层进入含水层,但看起来不行。)

16、the aquifer rises especially close to the surface in the sand hills region in the north of the state, near mrs luebbe's ranch.(在该州北部的沙岗地区、吕伯的牧场附近,含水层尤其接近地表。)

17、In a US-backed project, it will store 100, 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually in a nearby saline aquifer.(这项由美国支持的工程每年将把十万吨二氧化碳存储在就近的咸水含水层里。)

18、Water does not remain immobile in an aquifer but can seep out at springs or leak into other aquifers.(水在含水层中并不是静止不动的,而是会从泉水中渗出,或渗入其他含水层。)

19、Estimates for the life of the Nubian sandstone aquifer range from a century to a millennium.(学者们对努比亚砂岩含水层寿命的估计相差悬疏,从一百年到一千年不等。)

20、The wine region’s first water came from an ancient aquifer.(用来灌溉这个地区葡萄园的第一批水来自古老的地下蓄水层。)

21、Know the source of your drinking water-the river, lake, or aquifer that supplies your home.(知道你的饮用水的来源——河流,湖泊或是你家的含水土层。)

22、Because only about 2% of Libya's land receives enough rainfall to be cultivated, this project uses fossil water from a large underground aquifer.(由于降水稀少,导致利比亚只有2%的国土适宜作物种植。)

23、What is more, the hydrology of the aquifer, it argues, would slow the spread of any leak to a snail's pace.(另外,它认为,含水层的水文条件会使任何泄漏的蔓延速度变得十分缓慢。)

24、Throughout most of its history, the city of Houston primarily drew water from the Jasper aquifer, located along the southeastern coast of Texas.(纵观其历史,休斯敦主要从绵延于德克·萨斯东南海岸的Jasperaquifer获取水资源。)

25、About 100 metres down lies a natural aquifer into which a series of heat exchangers have been built.(在100深的地下含水土层,热水会进入一系列业已敷设好的热交换器去加热地下水。)

26、An aquifer is a water - bearing rock stratum such as sandstone and chalk.(地下蓄水层是一些有水的岩石层,如沙岩和白垩岩。)

27、Fryeburg, in south-west Maine near the New Hampshire border, sits on an enormous aquifer.(福莱伯位于缅因州的西南地区,靠近新罕布什尔的边界,拥有巨大的地下蓄水层。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


