发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 22:05
热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 21:36
从2013年10月30日开始,Oracle的考试成绩不在VUE考试系统当场出来,需要考试在考试结束后到CertView上查询。其中的关键是需要考生先到Oracle网站注册一个SSO(单点登录)账号,同时在 CertView.oracle.com 绑定一个VUE test ID。同时保证你在VUE系统的E-MAIL正确设置,考试结束后 在 CertView.oracle.com 就可以查看你的成绩和电子证书
The Oracle Certification Program is updating its
business practice related to the presentation of exam scores and score reports
to certification candidates. Once the update goes into place (scheled for
October 30th), candidates will be provided access to exam scores and score
reports directly from Oracle's CertView certification portal (usingtheir SSO logon) and will no longer receive the exam score or score report directlyfrom the testing center or from Pearson.