急求英语艺术主题ppt 英语课上用的,大约5、6分钟,不要太难。真的很急,请尽快,谢谢。 2 8





(2011-12-27 17:43:24)
分类: 漫谈疏简

第一页Hello everybody, my name is mengxianghui,The theme of my presentation is artistic photography
第二页定义,内涵Photography is the use of optical imaging and other scientific principles, so that the plane where the real scene images are recorded or reflected by the process。
第三页Compared with the painting, the photography has a kind of opposite sense, if compared with photography and then film and television, then the separation process would have to continue to further isolate the active and passive, static photography possession. I think Explore the unknown is the nature of photography。
第四页:分类Photographic records are divided into Photographic record art photography, Painting Photography and holographic images. Artistic photography of them divide into human photography, landscape still life photography, nature photography to explore three broad categories。
第五页:技巧Photography skills can be divided into Light techniques ,Composition techniques and Late Skills 。
Light technique is appropriate to enhance the movement of natural or artificial light, the visual picture。Composition technique is better by adjusting the angle to the subject of expression。Latter technique is significantly enhanced the effect of these two techniques。
五六之间:好作品看什么Good works of art should have visual impact, performance in place, photography style, theme to be innovative, to have the photographer's personal style and indivial expression. Fine art photography must be the content and form are very good photos.
Please enjoy the following pieces of photography.
第六页:欣赏角度Appreciate the art of photography, first of all from the composition, light, shadow adjustment, color and other basic shape factors start。Secondly, the need to have some photographic knowledge, observation of its photography. Finally, the theme of the photography experience.
第七页:Lastly, I thank the students and teachers enjoy.
