绵延| 李易纹个展






Durée: Li Yiwen Solo Exhibition

开幕 Opening: 2018.5.19 17:00

对谈 Lecture: 2018.5.19 15:00-17:00

展期 Duration: 2018.5.20 - 2018.6.30

主办 Host: 上海狮语画廊 Leo Gallery Shanghai

地址 Address: 上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内

Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China。





Exhibition Introduction

It is Leo Gallery‘s honour to hold in Shanghai the solo exhibition of emerging artist Li Yiwen - “Durée”。 It would be an integrated manifestation of Li Yiwen’s recent thinkings and works in a new form。

The theme “Durée” is borrowed from French philosopher Henri Bergson, who drew a distinction between two kinds of time。 There is “mathematical time” which occurs in the theories of the natural sciences that is measurable, and there is the “lived-time“ or “durée” that we experience directly。 However, Li Yiwen does not just follow Henri Bergson’s concept, but instead incorporates the issue of “time in painting” into the creation and brings forward the “third kind of time” in painting - a time that is associated with perception, a time where all memory, intuition, and experience inosculate as a whole。 Discovering words or terms from everyday life and reading, then deconstructing and reconstructing these words in combination with artistic perceiving and experiencing, and opening up a brand-new interpretation in the way of painting, is the main path of Li Yiwen’s recent creations, as well as the source of the theme of this exhibition。

By using contemporary methods, Li Yiwen filters, selects and promotes the images。 He puts the elements of the non-logic, fiction, movements and instincts into paintings, which goes beyond the traditional visual narrations and generates a new kind of meaning - a state of de-familiarization that is perceptible。 Therefore, the space of imagination is continuously opened up and extended, which expands the possibilities of painting and establishes a new way of expression。


I。 误读、通感与移情

我在2017年阶段性的总结自己在绘画中的工作方法为“误读、通感与移情” 即从日常生活中碎片化、跳跃性的阅读体验开始,记录可以引发我兴趣和思考的词汇,大多是令人费解的术语,由对词语的“误读”开始,但也许并不深究某术语在特定学科的本意,而是经过“通感”与“移情”等一系列无法量化的作用让绘画的各个要素在人的感知系统里彼此交叠、共生、形成绘画,最后以绘画生发的源头词语来命名绘画,用绘画的方式回味“好读书,不求甚解”之妙。

II。 绵延

在这次的展览中我把这种方法扩大至对一个展览主题的确立,我在这里借用或者说误读了柏格森哲学中的“绵延”一词来阐释时间对绘画的影响和体验 “绘画中的时间”。

III。 第三种时间


Artist Statement

I。 Misinterpretation, Synaesthesia and Transference

“Misinterpretation, Synaesthesia and Transference” attempts to present the way I worked in painting these two years: from the fragmented and skipped reading experience in daily life, I marked down words those aroused my interest and thoughts。 Most of words are puzzling terms that begins with “misinterpretation”。 However, I prefer not digging out the meaning of them in particular subjects, rather let each element of painting overlay and intergrow in human perceptual system through a series of unquantifiable affect: “synaesthesia” and “transference”。 At the end, employing the original word as the name of my work, it is how I aftertaste the fantasy of “Reading without understanding[1]” by painting。

[1] Biography of Scholar Wuliu, Tao Yuanming (352-427)。

II。 Durée

In this exhibition, I expanded this approach to set up the exhibition theme。 I hereby take or misinterpretate the term “durée” from Henri Bergson‘s philosophy to explain the influence of time on painting, and to experience the “time in painting”。

III。 The Third Kind of Time

Henri Bergson drew a distinction between two kinds of time。 There is “mathematical time” which occurs in the theories of the natural sciences that is measurable, and there is the “lived-time” or “durée réelle” that we experience directly。 The third kind of time is a superposition of the two。 It is about how memory and intuition reacts in “lived-time”, how memories in “lived-time” merges with “mathematical time”, and how experience of the past and present interacts with each other, which becomes the source of inspirations and expressions。 This is the time associated with perception, the time that is condensed in the paintings。

精选作品 Selected Artwork

李易纹 Li Yiwen, 闪电 Lightning, 布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas, 100x100cm, 20


Please Stay Tuned for the Upcoming Exhibition Opening on May 19th

艺术家简介 | Artist Introduction


李易纹,1982年生于河南洛阳,艺术家。2006年毕业于美术学院(微博)壁画系获学士学位,2011年毕业于美术学院壁画系获硕士学位,现生活工作于北京。近年举办过个展《结体》(狮语画廊,,2016),《李易纹》(Irene Laub画廊,布鲁塞尔,比利时,2015),《李易纹》(杨画廊,北京,2014),《闪烁不定》(时代美术馆,北京,2013)等;参与的群展包括“绘画的尴尬”(亚洲艺术中心,北京,2017),“第三届今日文献展”(今日美术馆,北京,2016),“浪漫的相关性:同一性的混搭—AMNUA零方案十二回”(南京艺术学院美术馆,南京,2015), “微镜-5位艺术家的微叙事”(狮语画廊,、上海,2015),“不是绘画-关于绘画边界的探索”(亚洲艺术中心,台北,2015)等,“第二届CAFAM未来展:创客创客·中国青年艺术的现实表征”(美术学院美术馆,北京,2015),“绘画课III:基础与极限之构”(杨画廊,北京,2013),“新视觉:2011—条条框框的生长”(何香凝美术馆,深圳,2011)等。

Li Yiwen

Li Yiwen (b.1982, Luoyang, China), artist。 He received a bachelor’s degree majoring in fresco from Central Academy of Art in 2006, and a master’s degree majoring in fresco from Central Academy of Art in 2011。 Currently he lives and works in Beijing, China。 His solo exhibitions in recent years include Durée (Leo Gallery, Shanghai, 2018), Integrative Structure (Leo Gallery, Hong Kong, 2016), LI YIWEN (Irene Laub Gallery, Brussels, 2015), LI YIWEN (Gallery Yang, Beijing, 2014), and Twinkling (Times Art Museum, Beijing, 2013)。 Group exhibitions that he has participated in include The Dilemmas of Painting (Asia Art Centre, Beijing, 2017), The Third Today’s Documents (Today Art Museum, Beijing, 2016), Microscope-The Inner Mindscape of 5 Contemporary Chinese Artists (Leo Gallery, Shanghai, 2015), This is Not Painting-Exploring the Boundary of Painting (Asia Art Center, Taipei, 2015), The 2nd CAFAM Future Exhibition: Observer-Creator/The Reality Representation of Chinese Young Art (CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, 2015), Painting Lesson III: Elementary and Extreme Structure (Yang Gallery, Beijing, 2013), Fresh Eyes 2011-Framework Growing Inside Out (He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, 2011), etc。

展前对谈 | Artist Talk

对谈主题 Theme of the Talk


Painting Generating

对谈时间 Duration: 2018.5.19 15:00-17:00

对谈嘉宾 Guest Speakers:

黄笃 Huang Du 王澈 Wang Che

李易纹 Li Yiwen 朱湘闽 Zhu Xiangmin

地址 Address:

上海狮语画廊 Leo Gallery Shanghai


Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China


1、发送[讲座名+姓名+邮箱+参与人数]到狮语画廊邮箱: shanghai@leogallery.com.cn


For Reservation, you may send

[Name+ Number of Applicants + email]

via Leo Gallery Wechat Official Account or email: shanghai@leogallery.com.cn

同期展览 | Exhibition News

上海狮语画廊 Leo Gallery Shanghai

带电的身体: 朱湘闽个展


开幕 Opening: 2018.5.19 17:00

展期 Duration: 2018.5.20 - 2018.6.30

地址 Address: 上海狮语画廊 Leo Gallery Shanghai


Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China

展览预告 | Upcoming Exhibition

狮语画廊 Leo Gallery Hong Kong

绘画的故事: 马树青个展


开幕 Opening: 2018.5.24 15:00

展期 Duration: 2018.5.25 - 2018.7.14

地址 Address: 狮语画廊 Leo Gallery Hong Kong

西浦1艺术里, 皇后大道西1号

SOHO 1 Art Lane, 1 Queen’s Road West, Hong Kong

狮语公共艺术项目 Leo Gallery Public Art Project

双人展: 雅游

Leo Gallery x Little Tai Hang Pop Up Exhibition: WANDER IN STYLE

艺术家 Artists: 卓颖岚 Cheuk Wing Nam, 韩金鹏 Han Jinpeng

开幕 Opening: 2018.5.24 18:30

展期 Duration: 2018.5.25 - 2018.7.31

地址 Address: The Hang Space @Little Tai Hang Hotel


98 Tung Lo Wan Road, Tai Hang, Hong Kong

狮语画廊 | Leo Gallery

狮语画廊 · 上海 Leo Gallery Shanghai


Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031 China

狮语画廊 · Leo Gallery Hong Kong

西浦1艺术里, 皇后大道西1号

SOHO 1 Art Lane, 1 Queen’s Road West, Hong Kong
