1. Handsome - ['hændsəm] adj. (of a man) good-looking; (of a woman) dignified; impressive
2. Happy - ['hæpi] adj. joyful, blissful, content
3. Harvest - ['hɑ:vist] n. crops gathered from a field; reaping; collecting
4. Healthy - ['helθi] adj. in good health, robust, beneficial to health
5. Heartily - ['hɑ:tili] adv. with wholehearted enthusiasm; very, thoroughly
6. Helpful - ['helpfəl] adj. useful, beneficial
7. Hero - ['hiərəu] n. a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities
8. Heroic - [hi'rəuik] adj. characteristic of a hero; heroic in nature
9. Highlight - ['hailait] n. the most important or interesting part; to emphasize or stand out
10. Historic - [his'tɔrik] adj. famous in history, significant in historical terms
11. Honesty - ['ɔnisti] n. truthfulness, integrity
12. Humanitarian - [hju:ˌmæni'teəriən] n./adj. concerned with the welfare of humans; humanitarianism